Night Time Visitor

20 June 2016 | June 2016

This experience happened a good year ago (this takes place in Ireland). Me and my mates were out in the pub and one of my friends asked if one of us could take him home. We laughed and told him that he could get himself home. He said it was a long walk and he wanted some company. In the end, I had to. If only we knew why he was scared.

We went past the roads and town until we reached the countryside not too far from the pub. We reached his house and walked past the porch and into the hallway. My friend told me a man would sometimes visit him in his sleep. I didn’t believe it and told him it was bull. I thought he was trying to scare me along with the old look of the house. But before I left I heard a scream coming from his bedroom. I raced into his room to find him staring at a dark figure sitting on his bed. A man-like figure stared straight at him. As soon as I blinked he was gone.

I never went back there and my friend sold his house.

Submitted by Ollie.

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