Parallel Universes? Time Travel? Hallucination? You decide!

22 August 2016 | Your Stories

This story came in last week. It is a bit different to the usual kind of encounter we receive and yet compelling. What was this person experiencing?

While I was on the tube train heading for the above-ground train station where I always caught my train home, I experienced an odd event. I was sitting on a very crowded train and suddenly there was a bright flash of light, and I found myself backimages (1) on the train I had taken in the morning to get to work. I remember this because of the Korean, or Chinese tourist sitting opposite me – he was not there on my ride home.

As the train stopped at my station, I left, as I had done in the morning, and checked my watch. It told me the time was around 5:15 p.m., the time that it was when the event occurred (or must have been, considering I caught the train at 5:10 p.m. and was on it for several minutes, though I cannot be sure of the exact “real” time when the event occurred as I was not monitoring my watch constantly). I checked the electronic timetable on the platform, which told me it was 8:48 a.m., which is about the time I get off that train every morning.

The attendant told me I looked very pale and asked me if I needed any help. The voices around us became quieter, then there was another white flash of light. When the flash died down, I was sitting in my office. I checked the time on my computer; however, I hovered my mouse over it for a little too long, and the date showed. It was the day before the event occurred!

I ran out into the main office and asked my secretary what time it was. She told me it was “about lunch time.” Lunch time for my business is between 12 noon and 2 p.m. I headed back into my office, scribbled on a piece of paper, folded it and handed it to my secretary, asking her to give it to me the next day and tell me to put it in my front pocket. She looked baffled, but I’m the one who pays her salary, so she agreed. As I turned away, she made a comment on how pale I looked. I said something about a headache, and she said something quietly.

There was another flash of light, and I was back on the train I had been on at the beginning of the episode. I checked my front pocket. The scribbled note was not there. Though I am convinced that I was probably hallucinating, I noticed a similar story about “flashes of light” on your site and decided to send it in. I have seen the doctor about this, who claims it may be related to my migraines.

Submitted by Anon.

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