Battle With Evil on The Doorstep

09 September 2016 | Black Eyed Kids, Your Stories

The BEK stories continue to come in thick and fast. Here is another recently submitted. Each new submission makes it seem like there is a real battle with evil on the doorstep going on….

My encounter started like any other. Some kids came to my door. I was alone in the house, playing video games when this long knock came to the door. I could see through the curtain on the door that it was just some kids, and living in a neighborhood with several families with kids this was nothing out of the ordinary. Yet before I even opened the door I began to feel extremely wary. I opened it to find two boys, around twelve or thirteen, standing on my porch. The Taller boy had knocked, the smaller had been straddling a bike. I found this odd that he was on my porch on his bike. He would have had to carry it up my front steps, and instead of standing beside it, was sitting on it.

At first they kept their heads down, and I asked if I could help them. They said they just needed to come in for a minute and it wouldn’t take long. I asked if they were from the neighborhood, and they didn’t answer. It was about this time that I realized something wasn’t right. They kept trying to get in, and I kept telling them that they couldn’t. They didn’t get impatient, or mad. They just kept trying to get to me invite them in. I felt that they were absolutely draining all the energy from my body. It was a battle. I can tell you that doubt, yes, they are real. They are evil by nature and that you do not want them around you, near you or able to touch you.

Submitted by Kamen

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