The Haunted School Bathroom: Are Schools Really Haunted?

23 September 2016 | Creepy places, September 2016, Your Stories

When I was 7 years old I used to be scared of going into my school bathroom alone, this is because every time I was in there by myself I would see a young girl standing in the shower. She wore a grey school skirt, long white socks, black shoes, white polo shirt and a jumper. I tried ignoring her for about half a year, as I thought I was going mad because nobody else saw it, but she never moved. I spoke to my mum about it, I was so scared even though the young girl hadn’t moved, and my mom told me to talk to the ghost, I did talk to her, and I asked her to leave me alone, but she did nothing.

I saw her constantly throughout my time at that school. A few years later I then found out that a girl had passed away at my school, I’m not too sure how, all I could find out is that her first name was Rhea. I continued seeing her until I left that school and there was nothing I could do about it. I am now really interested in the paranormal even though it still does scare me to think about it.



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