A Ripple In Time? The Hanged Man.

28 September 2016 | Haunted locations, Your Stories

I have been a first responder for many years. Some very strange things have happened. But nothing like this one situation I found myself in. I was called out to a “situation” one evening. I arrived and spoke to a middle aged lady who told me that her son was under the influence of a drug. She didn’t know what drug he had taken. But apparently he had been babbling and acting in a very strange way. He had told her that he was scared to go to his room because an old man was hanging above his bed. She said that she hadn’t checked out his claim as she was too scared to go into his room. She did tell me that he was constantly bringing friends over who were known drug addicts—but said that she hadn’t known until that night that he was taking them too.

I went to speak with the son, who was clearly under the influence of a substance. He told me that he was told by a “spirit” to not enter the bedroom, because her father, dressed in his military “Class A” uniform was hanging from the ceiling of his bedroom.

I checked the room and of course there was no body hanging in the room. As I’m in the middle of explaining to the mother that there was no body in the bedroom, a veteran officer arrives on scene to assist me.

He pulls me aside and told me that a few years earlier he had been called to this residence, and directed to that same bedroom, he had to investigate a suicide by hanging of an older male subject. He didn’t remember all the details, so I looked it up in our report management system in my patrol car and sure enough the officer was correct. The subject who died was a veteran of the second world war and had dressed in his military uniform and had been depressed. He had hung himself.

Submitted by Andy M.


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