The Christmas Demon

24 December 2016 | Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was told this story when I was young by my Aunts, Mother and Grandmother. My grandmother had twenty four kids and the women in my family have always been sensitive to other worldly things

My grandmother was in her youth and making Christmas dinner for everyone when as she said that she felt as though she was being watched in her kitchen. My Grandmother was a God fearing women so she said a prayer and went back to what she was doing. That is until she heard a scream coming from upstairs where she kept her canned foods. Thinking someone was hurt she ran and got my uncle J.R and went upstairs to investigate. As they went up the stairs, my Uncle felt like he was being pushed back down the stairs. Then, they heard more crashing and breaking glass. They made it to the room to find almost all the canned food on the floor broken. My Uncle left my grandma in the room to go get a broom. The door suddenly slammed shut locking my Grandma in the room. She screamed and tried to open the door. My Uncle went to get help while my Grandma was praying. She told me that at this point,things were flying around her head, glass breaking and crying and screaming noises were coming from the walls. She screamed invoking the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit, “Show yourself to me!” It got quieter and when she looked up she said that she saw a demon. She said that it Looked like like a man with hooves, hair dark as the night, claws as hands and the face of a dog! He was just staring at her. She said it felt like forever just staring at each other until my Uncles were able to break the the door down. Then, she said that the thing just vanished as the door flew open. She never felt alone or safe in that house again.

Submitted by Raven Knight.

Happy Holidays from My Haunted Life Too!


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