The Moving Cross Touched By A Spirit

03 May 2017 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was unemployed several years ago and spent much of my time watching TV. I had never had anything paranormal happen to me before. This took place at around 4 to 5 in the afternoon. I wasn’t alone as my mother was just a few feet away from me on the couch. Everything was quite normal until I noticed a cross which has been hanging just above the TV for years started to move, slowly at first… then more violently. It was like someone has pushed it hard or like it had been jolted. This cross is heavy. There is no possibility of wind moving it or anything. It takes some force to make the thing move.

As soon as I saw this cross move, I quickly turned to my mother and said, “Look at that!” She didn’t say anything. She just stayed silent and the cross stopped moving abruptly. I explained to her what I saw and she grew worried. She had heard that a cross in the house brings problems. I don’t believe that.

My mother gets a lot of strange dreams. She can tell when something bad might happen, she used to get nightmares of someone trying to choke her to death in her dreams. She has never been able to sleep well and has, throughout her life, felt someone poking her, pushing her, touching her, calling her name, etc. She has also felt shadows and dark in her dreams. She had been getting them for a long time now. But she told me that somehow, after the cross incident, she has never been getting any dreams of that kind and is now able to sleep well.

Submitted by Bessie James, Alaska

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