The Hatman

07 June 2017 | Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

One night, when I was about 13 or 14, I was lying in bed in that half-asleep state before you really doze off. I was staring at my wall that faced the front of my house and it was very dark. Suddenly, I saw a figure walk through my wall towards me. I could tell my his shape that he was a man, but I saw no other distinguishable features other than it seemed as if he was wearing a long cloak and a flat rimmed hat. I was kind of frozen as I watched him move closer. He came right next to me, bent down and kissed the top of my head and it felt like ice had touched me. That snapped me out of my stupor and I sat up. The man was gone, but the top of my head was cold to the touch. What makes this even creepier, is that I found out that my mom and her sister had an encounter with the same entity. They both saw this ‘hat man’ standing at their bedroom door, which was usually shut and locked. And if you Google search ‘the hat man’, you will find many other encounters of this. Most believe he is evil, but my encounter was far from evil and it still shakes me to this day.

Originally submitted by Brandi Williamson Cowing at Buzzfeed.

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