The Haunted Office

11 July 2017 | Your True Encounters

This took place during a normal working day at the office. Our office was busy with meetings, reports and other paperwork. There I was sitting at my cubicle finishing some paperwork and rushed reports, when suddenly I heard a low whisper behind me. I quickly turned to where the whisper came from but all the people in my station at that time were busy finishing their work. I decided that maybe it was one of my co-worker playing a trick on me so I quickly paid no attention to it and got back to my work. Later more whispering came from behind me. That time I didn’t bother to turn around because in my mind, it must be one of my co-workers playing a trick on me. Soon I can hear a continuous whisper from my back. I was getting irritated that’s why I took my laptop and moved to the next table that is just besides mine.

I quickly plugged my laptop to the internet and continued my work. But after a few minutes of working, I heard more whispering and this time it didn’t came from my back but instead it came from under the table where I was working. I pushed my chair so that I could see under my table but there’s no one there. I stood up and asked my co-workers If they were the one who was creating the noise and if they heard it. They said that they weren’t and that they didn’t hear anything.

I returned to my own table, submitted my report and went home early that afternoon. Turns out, I’m not the only one who experienced that. Some of my co-workers shared their story and they were more frightening than mine.

Submitted by Dennis F, Ohio

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