The Ghostly Kids of Ghostly Hollow Road

12 February 2018 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I grew up in a small town in Illinois. When I was a teenager, I would spend most of my time with my best friend, Hallie (pronounced Hayley). A lot of the time we would hang out at her house, where just she and her mother lived. Sometimes, her mom would tell us spooky stories about their old house, which would put us in the mood to go find a ghost of our own.

Well, one night we decided to go out to Hungry Hollow Road. It is named after a legend we all knew in that area. The story goes: sometime during the Great Depression, a family with a bunch of little kids lived out there in a shack. There was a blizzard, and they all got snowed in. The family ran out of food and slowly starved to death.
Supposedly, if you drive out to said road, park, turn off your car engine & lights, you can talk to the dead children & they will answer.

We headed out to the windy road, which is pretty much out in the country. Most of it just goes through different wooded areas and is pretty creepy at night. We found a good spot where we couldn’t see any lights and parked the car. We rolled down all the windows. I sat in the back seat, a little nervous by this point. Hallie’s mom was the one driving. She turned off the engine & lights. We sat in darkness and listened to the sounds of crickets & frogs. We heard some animals scurrying through the leaves, which made both Hallie & I a little scared.
We quietly talked amongst ourselves, daring each other to speak out loud to the children. I wouldn’t. I was being a baby.

There were some cookies left over in the car from earlier that day, so Hallie decided to taunt the children. “Hey, little Chiiilllddreeennn, are you hungry?? I have some food here for you!” She said it a few times. Then we sat there in silence for what probably seemed longer than it actually was before we heard a loud THUMP on the back of the car. Hallie’s mom turned the car on right away and we drove back to their house without looking back.

Once we made it safely there, we got out of the car and went to inspect the back. We were wondering if there was damage since the noise was SO LOUD.

The back of the car had tiny, little handprints.

Submitted to weird Darkness and Your Haunted Life Too by Anon.


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