The Dorset Echo Reports About A Pump Haunted By A Bucket Carrying Boy

21 April 2018 | Your Stories

The Dorset Echo recently included a story about a town pump in Dorchester that was erected AD 1784, around the same time as Grey’s Bridge. It was erected on the site of the cupola or market house in the county town and the plaque commemorates this erection. This memorial is on the site of what was once a lively market.

Rumour has it that the area around the obelisk is haunted by the ghost of a small boy. Witnesses have described him as wearing dirty clothing, being bare-footed and carrying a wooden bucket. It seems as though he collects water in his bucket and then disappears into thin air. He’s only ever seen in broad daylight at a certain time of day with witnesses describing him as being very ‘solid’ and ‘real life’ looking. You can read the original story from the Dorset Echo by clicking here.

Have you tried these great #paranormal books from G. Michael Vasey? If you’re looking for true tales of the paranormal to keep you chilled throughout this harsh winter… just click here. Where is it? Dorchester, Town Pump, 290513, PICTURE: FINNBARR WEBSTER F14179

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