The Terrifying Ordeal of Two Teenagers Are Followed Home By A Ghost

04 May 2018 | Your Stories

This article is originally from the Mirror newspaper.

Two teenagers faced their fears after a camping trip in a haunted wood near an abandoned church went horribly wrong.

In tonight’s episode of True Horror, the finale of the series, Stephen Foster and Todd Bevis tell the story of when they camped overnight in the woods close to a ghoulish church, which had tales of suicide and death attached to it.

The two boys made jokey videos, pretending places were haunted when they were not and putting together comedy skits.

One night, the boys made a trip into the dark night to set up near the plague pit, where thousands had been burnt to death, when Todd spotted something with glowing eyes stare at him.

The two teens hid in their tent wit the feeling something was watching them, at which point all their electronics died and they were left in pitch blackness with the eerie noises and horrible figures frightening them.

Suddenly, the sound of something moving slowly towards them could not be ignored, which then turned into growling noise from what they thought could have been a dog, until the vile creature came closer.

Then, as clear as day, they heard a woman screaming on and off for an hour or so, so remained in their tent to keep safe, even to the point of relieving themselves in a bottle.

Soon, the noises got closer, as did the figure of a ghoulish shadow walking outside their tent

“It’s something I never really wanted to speak about again,” said Todd in real-life interviews.

“You sort of get to that stage where you just feel sort of depressed because you think maybe your life is going to end.”

Stephen added: “Everything happened, it happened so suddenly I had never experienced anything like this in my entire life, and we experienced so much in one life.

“It was just so intense and sort of non-stop.”

Read the full article from British newspaper “The Mirror” here.  Have you tried these great #paranormal books from G. Michael Vasey? If you’re looking for true tales of the paranormal to keep you chilled throughout this harsh winter… just click here.

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