15 May 2018 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Yesterday’s post by Nick got me to thinking. When I was growing up, I saw ghosts all of the time. Later in life, I decided to go ahead and shut down that ability as far as possible. But what is it really like to see a ghost?
Well, the first thing I would say is there is an atmosphere. It’s like an electrical storm is about to hit. You sense something – some energy – that is forming nearby. It makes the hair on the back of my head stand up on end and it gets my adrenaline flowing. Shortly after that, I used to develop fear. I knew, it knew and I was scared. I now believe that it is the fear that attracts such things and that this human energy is a source of sustenance for the activity. The first time I saw a ghost is documented in My Haunted Life. It was in a shared bedroom with my younger brother who was soundly asleep. I sensed this strange energy for the first time and I sat up in the darkness deeply uncomfortable with it. It was then that I saw ‘sitting’ at a desk, a white glowing figure. I remember being amazed that it was dress as a cavalier with the broad brimmed hat and clothing. It seemed to be scribbling away with a feather pen and ink well. For several moments, I was simply paralyzed. Rooted to the spot in disbelief and fear.
As my fear levels increased – as indeed they did, this figure slowly turned its head in my direction – as if aware of my presence too. Before it had looked at me, I screamed. This woke my brother who then joined me in watching this glowing, white figure get up and walk across the room and through the wall.
We still talk about that night he and I. We recall it vividly. I know that it scared me deeply yet, it fascinated me too. Who was this figure? Why was he there? Why did he walk about the wall two story’s above ground?
In later years, my father did a bit of research and discovered the area the house was built in had been part of an estate at that time. So, who knows, maybe he belonged there in the English civil war era when the city of Hull, just a few miles of way, closed its gates on Charles 1 and declared for Parliament?
Anyway, that’s what it is like for me to see a ghost. The fear lasted several days. I didn’t want to sleep in that room ever again and shortly, I moved to a different room.
Submitted by G. Michael Vasey
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