Phantom, Ghostly Phone Calls From The Other Side?

15 June 2018 | Your Stories

Interesting addition to the site today. This lady had several calls that she could have classified as ‘paranormal.’ What do you think? Do you think these calls came from the other side?

I had a series of phone calls that I can only describe as “ghostly.” A few months ago, just after Christmas, I started to get calls from an unknown number. At first, I thought it was a sales call, or some scam but the calls kept coming through and I ended up answering one. All I heard was static and what sounded like a scratching noise. I hung up and I got another call about twenty minutes later. Again, it was the same thing. The third call was the same, the fourth was stronger scratching and the fifth was strange. I thought I could make out mumbling on the line.

I kept getting these calls for weeks and then they suddenly stopped. I haven’t had one for a while. Now, this could just be a bad line, but I’ve never heard of calls like this, and I swear I could hear mumbling on the line. After some research on the internet I discovered that people do receive ghost calls—but I don’t know if this would be considered that. I didn’t hear anything apart from what I thought was mumbling and scratching. It was like it used to be on the radio when the station wasn’t quite tuned in enough. Mumbling and static that made no sense.


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