The Phantom Nurse Who Helped Me Through My Sickness

23 July 2018 | Your Stories

An all-too-common happening. A phantom nurse, doctor or priest who sits with a suffering patient. Healing them with kind words, and love. This is a strange tale… take a look. 

This happened to me during my childhood in the 1970’s. I had been taken to our local hospital to have an operation to remove my tonsils. They kept me in the hospital for a few days and while I was coming out from under the anaesthetic I had a nurse with me the whole time mopping my brow and giving me encouragement. I remember she was so kind and loving. I wondered at the time, as much as you can wonder while coming out from anaesthetic, how the hospital could afford to have a nurse stay with a minor patient for hours on end? When I came around fully she wasn’t there. I kept recovering and eating my ice cream. My doctor was discharging me when I asked to say thank you to the nurse who had been with me after my operation.

“What nurse?” the doctor asked.

He asked the ward sister who told him that there had been nurses coming in and out of the room, but none had been sitting by the bed keeping me company. They thought it was something I dreamt up during my haze. My mother, however, always said that it was my guardian angel keeping me company throughout that operation.  Has anyone else had an experience like this?

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