Midnight Marauder: The Haunted House I Recently Moved Into

07 August 2018 | Your Stories

A lady recently moved into a house that seemed innocent—only to find that the perpetual mood of the house seems to be heavy and there seems to be something ‘tugging’ at her sheets in the middle of the night…

Moved into a house just recently after a divorce and found that the atmosphere is often heavy, and have been woken up at night by something tugging at my covers.

The first time I looked around the house I thought it just needed a good airing but now I’ve noticed that the atmosphere in the house is continually heavy. You can really feel it when you walk in, and I’ve had far more headaches since I moved into this house than I ever had before. A couple of nights ago I woke up to find my covers being tugged from the bottom of the bed. Slowly they were being pulled down. I have also heard steps in the hall. Nothing too loud but you can tell these are steps by the creaking of the wood and the timing of the creeks.

Thinking about moving to a new house when I can afford it but wanted to share my experiences after reading your site.

Marlene Jones


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