08 August 2018 | Your Stories
The Daily Star recently shared an article that took our interest. Apparently, due to the recent heatwave, there’s been a spike in reported paranormal activity. You can read the original article, as always, by clicking here.
Gary Parsons, 53, is a professional paranormal investigator and has received a “major spike” of calls in the past couple of months.
He said that some people have even been afraid to enter their own homes because of the ghostly apparitions ”summoned” by the scorching sun.
Gary, who runs Plymouth Paranormal Investigators (PPI) from his Devon home, believes the increase is due to the unseasonably warm weather the UK has been enjoying.
Temperatures have been in the high 20s or 30s for the best part of six weeks, with the mercury peaking at more than 35C.
He said: “We have received a major spike in the number of calls during June and July, with people reporting scary supernatural phenomena.
“One couple almost afraid to go into their own home because of poltergeists, and residual energies making things move.”
Gary and his team of ghost hunters have been in the ghostly business for years and use highly specialised technical equipment to free homeowners from unwelcome spirits.
Technical paranormal expert, Robert Bryant, said: “With temperatures soaring its having an unexplained increase in paranormal activities.
“We use a number of items to communicate with energies and especially our Huff Wonder Box.
“It is designed to search out unexplained orb lights, eerie voices, and deadly spirits.
“On a recent house investigation, my body was taken over by a dead priest and refused to leave until it was ordered to leave by my colleague Amanda Oriana.”
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