A Ghostly Horse?

20 May 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

So my mother has always had crazy things happen to her. My grandmother told us when my mom was born it was pouring rain and she could see a shadow outside the hospital window…. she cried that whole first day because she felt like something had come for my mom because she wasn’t meant to live but here we are… when my mom got older she started doing things she wanted to do, you know adolescent things. Well they had snuck out one day when she was about 14 and when it was time to leave everyone split off and walked home… it was past midnight. As my mom walked home, she heard something behind her… like horse hooves on the road. She stopped and turned around but nothing was there. So she picked up the pace and as she did she could hear these horse hooves picked the pace as well. She got scared and started running. She didn’t look back but she could hear it right behind her. Once she got home she ran inside and jumped in bed covering herself with her blankets. Well she had snuck out through the window above her bed but had ran into the front door when she got home. As she prayed there under her blanket she could hear a horse in the bushes huffing over her right in front of her open window above her head. She didn’t look but needless to say she didn’t check either.

Submitted to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too by Ambrosia Wickham


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