Velhartice Cemetery

21 August 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The cemetery at Velhartice in the Czech Republic is supposedly a very, very scary place.

Firstly, on the side wall of the small chapel in the cemetery are dark spots that seem to resemble faces. Even if painted or freshly plastered these spots soon reappear again. This is said to be as a result of an original small wooden chapel being burned down by robbers with some locals trapped inside it.

There is also a story made famous in a well-known Czech poem about a local girl whose fiancé returns from the war. Being very happy to see him, she at first isn’t suspicious about his request to marry in the middle of the night. Off they go to get married at midnight and the girl becomes increasingly suspicious of his behavior especially when they end up at the cemetery. That is when she realizes that her fiancé is in fact dead. She hides in the mortuary and survives until morning when she makes her escape.

Extract from The Czech Republic, the Most Haunted Country in the World by G. Michael Vasey



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