The Ghostly Inmate

08 January 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was listening to some of your first responder stories (weird Darkness) today and it reminded me of something that happened when I was a deputy sheriff. I worked corrections 9am to 9pm so I worked day and night shift. One night I was leaving and stopped to talk to my LT. The jail was locked down and the night shift officers were starting to do their checks. We were talking over the day when he looked on the monitor and saw an inmate in one of the pods sitting at a table watching TV. I checked and saw the inmate myself. The pod was locked down and the lights were out but I could see this guy illuminated by the glow of the television. The lieutenant called for two officers to check on that pod and find out why that inmate was out of his cell. We both watched those officers enter that pod and walk right past the inmate. One of the officers called over the radio that all was secure and no one was sitting at any of the tables. On the monitor he was still there. It was at that point I left for the day. Later on that week I asked the officer working master control if he saw the inmate that night – he said he did.

Submitted by Madman Goins to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too


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