The Horrible Stench

04 February 2020 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters

For the sake of privacy, all characters in this story will be given a fictitious name.

One day, N and his wife noticed a horrible and ubiquitous stench. They thought a mouse must have died somewhere. Sniffing around everywhere he thought could be the location of the carcass, but could find a thing. He then plugged in air fresheners on every floor of the house, but he could not mask the odor. A few days past, the odor remained just as strong.

His wife would call her mother in-law every week to check on her health. She noticed that her mother in-law did not answer her call nor her son’s call. She and N wondered, but thought that perhaps the 80-year-old lady had gone to church, but even on weekdays, she could not get a hold of the elderly lady. They started to worry, and asked her friends about her whereabouts. Nobody knew! They asked a daughter of her female friend to visit her, but she did not answer the door. They asked her entrusted acquaintance who was a pastor about her. He said that his last contact with N’s mother was over a month before, and that he had not heard of her sharing her future trip, be it religious or personal. The couple then asked him to visit her with a garage door opener at the her house. He said that he did not have a new one ever since he heard her other garage door opener stopped working.

Soon, he called the couple back with a slow and solemn voice that she didn’t answer the door, and he found a ladder around her house, climbed up to the balcony door that he had found partially opened. He had not been able to find her inside, but found her dead in the backyard laying face down and her body had started to decomposed for some time.

The couple booked airline tickets to take care of her funeral. Afterwards, they flew home and happened to find that the stench was no longer in their house. They recalled that around date the stench started coincided with the approximate time of death the Coroner in the state of N’s mother reported.

They deduced that perhaps the deceased had wanted to alarm them of her untimely departure by creating the ubiquitous stench that would not go away until she had had a proper burial.

Submitted by CR

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