The Ghostly Girl Watching Me

11 May 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories

I’m currently 25 and when I was 6 years old ,I saw something that haunts memories to this day.

At that age, I would always spend the night at my grandma’s house. One night my grandma and I went to bed, and we slept on her futon. It was the middle of the night when all of a sudden I felt someone staring at me. I opened my eyes and looked right at my grandma who was sleeping right next to me. Realizing her eyes were closed, I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Not a second later, I still had that feeling of being stared at, this time I looked at the foot of the bed and saw a pale white girl with long blond hair staring right at me. She looked to be my age (6 years old) and was just staring at me. I keep staring at her and she just stared back, no words, no movement, just a blank stare.

Her eyes were dark, like just dark black circles. I looked at my grandma and tried to wake her up. I turned back to look at the girl and the girl was gone. I lay my head back down and suddenly I feel this cold breath and I turn to my right and the little girl is standing right next to me staring at me, breathing on me! I screamed and my grandma woke up very frightened and confused as to why I was screaming.

I never saw that girl again, and I never slept in the dark since then. I’m 25 and live with my boyfriend and we always have to sleep with the TV on because I just don’t ever want to see that girl again.

Submitted by Juana Devila to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too

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