The Clothes Were Swinging

30 November 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Growing up, my best friend and I, would play with the ouija board. As we grew older, she would be able to do automatic writing. I tried but could never clear my mind enough. I was being abused by my step-father from being eight. By this time I was sixteen.

She and I were up late doing the automatic writing and in what we called one of our sessions it said, ” Beware of the closet, there will be a warning and something is going to happen, but you will be ok.”

A few months go by and I am fooling around with my boyfriend and I look at my closet for some reason and I saw this pale boy with red lips and slick black hair smiling at me. He also had pointed ears. I thought I was my brother, so I jumped up and tried to catch him in my closet but there was nothing there and my clothes were swinging. I ran downstairs for some reason thinking he got away and out the front door but no brother! Later, after my boyfriend had left, my stepfather called me into his room and when I went in there, long story short I was brutally attacked! It was the arrival of my brother who came home that saved my life.

So, the warning about the closet happened and I ended up being ok.


Submitted by

Diana M Broeker

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