A Ghostly Funeral

14 May 2021 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Your Stories

When I was a kid we used to visit family in another part of town. I knew all the kids around so would often go on my own for the afternoon.

On my way back from visiting a friend I took a shortcut. It led through a wooded area where there was an old cemetery. I looked at the old stones, most of them unreadable, as I walked past.

I continued on the path and came to the stream with a wide bridge. My sneakers made a stomping sound on the old boards. As I was about halfway I saw a funeral party approaching. The sun was close to setting and was in my eyes but the group was all dressed in black and several men at the front were carrying a small coffin.

I turned around and clomped back to the other side. I took off my cap and turned down my eyes in respect, but all the while a small part of my mind was trying to get my attention…

They walked past without a word.

When they had passed, I clomped up the bridge again and that’s when I started thinking clearly…

I had just walked past the cemetery. There was no one there and no grave prepared. The cemetery wasn’t used in a long time!

And then I realized something else: They hadn’t made any sound as they crossed the bridge!

I spun around and they were gone!


Originally submitted to Reddit 


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