The Devil Was At My Window

07 September 2022 | Demons, Near death experience, Your True Encounters

When I was aged around 13/14 I was very cruel to some defenceless creatures with a then childhood friend of mine.

This cruelty actually caught the attention of Lucifer-the devil himself.

I was in bed awake when I heard three taps mocking the holy trinity at my upstairs bedroom window. And there was Lucifer the devil himself staring through the window at me with curious interest in me. As Lucifer was not human looking at all-with very large oval shaped eyes and with small sharp bony features and with no hair on his misshaped head-I too was also looking at him with great curiosity. I could only see him from his upper body and could not see if he had wings or not-and wondered if he had flew or levitated or had scaled my parents house wall at that time. After a few short minutes Lucifer got tired of the staring situation and with a hand magic gesture at me I was put to sleep in an instant.

Following this encounter event-I was sent the most frightening nightmare of my life in the form of waist joined twins of evil with a long dagger. In the nightmare I was paralyzed in bed on my back as the corpse like twins burst open my bedroom door and walking in unison proceeded to come to my bed where they plunged the dagger deep inside my chest in what I believe was some kind of ritual marking for my soul. After this ordeal the very next day I stopped all my cruel actions of the creatures, which I believe have stained my soul forever-and began doing more good things each day.

Some years later aged 26 and married, I had developed Asthma due to smoking and actually died one night as my heart stopped beating and my spirit left my body. I was soon travelling up a multi-coloured tunnel at fast speed to the other side-It seemed my good living and change of my ways had sent me in the right direction but I was not ready to go at such a young age and with my wife left behind me. I protested with all my might that I was not ready yet and someone on the other side heard me. The tunnel suction was soon put in reverse and I was soon sucked back into my body at fast speed to live again-with an oxygen starved headache which felt like my head would explode but I was back and alive which was all that mattered to me- to live and return to my wife.

Submitted by

Michael Blackburne


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