A Strange Haunted Incident in Lincolnshire

15 August 2018 | Your Stories

Strange incidents today from a grandfather who grew up in a ‘haunted’ house in Lincolnshire. Interesting account… see what you think…

Not very exciting account but my grandad always said that one of the houses he grew up in as a child was haunted. Back in the 1940’s he said that people weren’t so aware of the paranormal as they are now. It was not like it is today with movies and ghost hunting shows on TV. He moved into a house in the countryside with his parents. His father worked on a farm in Lincolnshire and he said that things would happen all the time in that house. He, and his mum, saw a young man covered with mud walk through the door of their house and through to the other room. His mother went chasing after this man trying to find out who he was, and why he was in their home. They couldn’t find any trace of him. Grandad saw something standing in the door of his bedroom and his mum said that she felt that she was being watched a lot in that house.

Strangest thing was the time My great-grandfather was standing outside talking to himself. Grandads mum rushed out and asked him what the problem was. He said he was just talking to a gentleman about his garden. She asked who the gentleman was, and more importantly where he was. Apparently great grandfather looked shocked because when he looked back the man had disappeared. He always claimed the man must have slipped away… but grandad said that he had been talking to himself. There had been no other man there. Eventually they moved away after my great-grandfather lost his job, but I do believe that my grandfather experienced something strange in that house. He was too much of a serious man to make things up, or even make a joke out of such things.


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