My Great Grandfather Saw a Headless Ghost

05 November 2018 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I live in a village in Sweden called Brattfors. This village has a long history of ghost sightings and of sightings of weird creutures. My family has lived in this village for centuries and many of my friends and family including myself have a history of seeing ghosts and weird figures. But I wanna share a story that my dad told my when I was younger. The story is an frightening encounter that my great grandfather told my dad when he was a child.

When my great grandfather was younger he used to walk between his farm and the main part of the village. The route to the main part of the village was a path that went on for about four miles before you got the main part of the village. On one night, my great grandfather had visited some friends in the main part of the village and was walking home. The only source of the light this night was the moon. After walking for about an mile, my great grandfather saw a man walking in front and he thought ” great, somebody to talk to while I am walking home” So my great grandfather started running to get alongside this man so he can talk to him, but when he almost got right beside him, he realised in horror that this man had no head. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked in shock at this figure but the figure didn’t notice my great grandfather and just kept on walking until it disappeared right before my great grandfathers eyes.

Submitted by Elis Helmerssen to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too

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