G. Michael Vasey’s Nightmare Corner

Creepy Book Trailer

24 August 2015 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner

What do you think? Creepy or what?

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The Visitor

06 August 2015 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner

It was some strange time in the morning So early it was still night and without sunlight The air was so cold and you could hear a pin drop I shivered involuntarily and tried to sleep But there it was again The deepest of sighs rattling like a death breath My blood ran cold I strained to listen hearing the loudness of total silence But there it was again A scraping rustling sound scratching along the hallway My heart palpitated At any moment now that door will begin to open At any moment now I will scream with all my lungs And there will be nothing there Nothing there at all And I will lay and pray That the morning sun rises soon illuminating my room And ensuring that my

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