Conflict Radio – Black eyed Kids

14 August 2020 | Black Eyed Kids, Demons, G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Last night, I was a guest on Conflict Radio for an episode about Black Eyed Kids. In part two of the show, we talked with a man who has experienced the BEK. Not once but twice. His story was very disturbing and the podcast is well worth a listen if you have an hour of time. Not to spoil your enjoyment but the man first encountered the BEK in Manchester, England, when they tried to get a ride years ago. Having moved to Finland, he recently encountered them again on his doorstep. He said they were the same kids two decades later and one of them pointed to his van and told him it was a better vehicle than he had in Manchester! Listen here. You may also enjoy this…

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Paranormal Sex – A new book….

03 January 2018 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Your True Encounters

Just recently, there have been quite a lot of rather lurid news stories about women that claim to have sex with ghosts. It’s almost like 50 shades of wraith if you follow this stuff! This piqued my interest and set me off on a quest to discover the truth about paranormal sex. What is it? Can anyone do it? And, what might the consequences be? The funny thing is that I recently had a deeply unsettling experience myself on a train to Germany with the old hag that had a sexual aspect to it. So, with that in mind, I delved deeply into the old hag, succubi and incubi and shadow people finding all of them associated with sleep paralysis. So, there was the explanation then – sleep paralysis, a

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The Scratching Sound That Haunted My Visit

12 July 2017 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I had travelled to the United States to meet with some members of my family who had lived there for many years. It so happened that as part of my first stop I ended up staying at a relative’s house, which unknown to me at the time, was believed to be haunted, at least by some members of the household. Among other things, they would see things like fresh meat falling out of clothes in an unexplained manner as well as blood stains appearing in various places of the house, in an equally unexplained manner. They lived on the fifth floor, where it would make it very unlikely for any animal to climb up from the outside. Now this is a detail that will be important in the coming paragraphs.

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Shadow People In A Time Loop?

16 February 2017 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was fifteen I had a series of strange things happen to me at home. Every night I would read before going to sleep. This one particular night was the same as usual, I’d turn on my radio, pop open a book, and gradually fall asleep. But something was different as I woke up for no reason around three or four in the morning only to see two ‘entities’ quietly standing on the right side of my bed. My radio was still on and my book was lying on my chest. I could see them quite clearly as they seemed to glow. I didn’t feel scared but I felt confused and I was thinking to myself, ‘is this actually happening?’ The beings were blacker than the actual dark but

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Is My House Evil?

13 October 2016 | Haunted houses, Your Stories

This past summer, my husband and I were attending a baby shower for our new baby to be. We were staying at my parents’ house. There are three entities that reside in my parent’s house. This incident took place with an older male spirit who is rarely seen, but often felt. The feeling you get from him is one of fear. Even as a child I remember being afraid of this spirit. We were sleeping in the spare room that is in my parent’s basement and I could feel him staring at us from the corner of the room while we were sleeping. I had to lay facing towards the wall because I could not turn my back on him; We got little sleep while we were there. I would

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