The Witches Prison
21 April 2017 | Ghosts in the news, Haunted houses, Your True Encounters
This month saw the placing on the local real estate market of a small property in St. Osyth, Essex. That anyone would want to live there is, I think, unlikely but it may make for a wonderful paranormal business of some type and be an interesting investment as a result. The house is nicknamed ‘The Cage” and it has been featured in several television paranormal investigations. For what looks like a small village house was actually a mediaeval prison and one of its more famous ‘residents’ was Ursula Kemp, hung as a witch in 1582. The house was used as a prison up until 1908. Poor Ursula Kemp, like many older and lonely ladies of her time, kept a cat for company and did things like minding children, making herbal
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