
Demonic Possession and an Evil Fortuneteller, My True Life Nightmare

03 July 2018 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Three years ago I was a normal, happy 35-year old woman. I owned a successful interior design business. I was a hard worker, but I loved to have fun too. I traveled, had a lot of great friends. My life was basically summers at the beach, happy hours in the city, concerts, dating, yoga and cross-fit, volunteering at the local dog shelter, and church on Sundays. I loved God. I was very spiritual and I was very open. Around this time, I was invited to an angel meditation at a local yoga studio. As I laid on the floor I closed my eyes and I followed along with the group meditation asking God and the angels to come and heal me. All of a sudden I had a vision that

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Melissa’s Darkness Follows Me

12 March 2018 | Demons, Old hag, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My experiences started when I was very young. I remember being a child and having to share a room with this little girl named Melissa. My mother was a nurse and she always took care of sickly foster children. Melissa was one of these children who had a rare birth defect. I knew the truth of what caused her illness because she brought it with her when she was born. It came late one night as I lie in my bed, close to sleep. My new little sister slept in her crib near the middle of the room. She had rustled for a while before falling asleep, but the room was now quiet and the absent of sound was noticeable. I look over towards my bedroom window and see something

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The Thing That Follows Her

24 January 2018 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I am part of a group that meets at a new age style business, recently another woman had joined the group, from the beginning, I could not warm to her. She seriously creeped me out, but I kept my feelings to myself. Before too long others started voicing the same opinions. Couldn’t put my finger on it, was it the creepy grin she often had, the way she tried elevating herself above the group, or what? One night after our meeting, we were chatting in the gift shop area of the business when she walked through, I glanced up in time to catch sight of a crouched figure in one of the aisles, it was bald with long limbs, it reminded of Gollum. Its skin was grey, blotchy and looked

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Vodnik – The Czech Evil Water Sprite

19 September 2017 | Demons, Your Stories

One of the most famous characters in Czech fairy tales is a water sprite called “vodník” or “hastrman”. You can see him anywhere close to water and he embodies the spirit of water. He is usually depicted as green man riding on a catfish. He has green hair, bulging eyes and water is dripping from his coattails. He is usually described as an evil spirit that likes to harm people and who catches inexperienced swimmers in order to gain their soul. He is very resourceful when it comes to catching souls and will use ribbons and small mirrors to lure girls into the water, for example. He can also change himself into all kinds of animals such as a horse. But if somebody tries to ride him while he is

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A Thrill From Contacting the Dead

16 August 2017 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I recently moved into an apartment with my dad, my sister and my brother. My sister and I share a bedroom. One night, my sister told me that she knew how to contact the dead. I was a little freaked out, but I wanted to try it. I said that we should contact our great grandma who died in the 90’s. So we did, we began asking her questions, like “are you at peace, are you disappointed in us, are you in heaven, are you happy”. The only positive answer was she’s not disappointed. After that she told us that she was not at peace, not in heaven, and not happy. We felt like she was there to protect out our family. Since I moved in, I have felt a

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A 10 Foot Guardian Angel

22 June 2017 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My final story took place around 2003, I was living in a row home with my then first wife. The house was hers and I was doing some work in the back yard. The row home was actually one building with 3 homes; ours was the middle one so we had a neighbor’s yard on each side of our own. At the back of the yards was a very narrow alley that t-boned into another alley. That alley bordered the yard to the right of ours if you were looking out our back door. I was standing in the middle of the yard facing the neighbor’s yard that bordered the second alley with the narrow alley to my left. I casually looked to my left slightly as I had a

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Scratch One, Scratch Two, Scratch Three… Is This A Demon?

08 June 2017 | Demons, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I have lived in my current house for several years. I spend much of the day out as I work, but these events have been taking place in the evening. I haven’t been able to shed any light on them but wanted to share them with you to see if anyone had any feedback. I came home from work a few months ago, and after dinner I fell asleep. When I woke up it was about eleven in the evening. I began walking to my room, which is located at the end of the hall and as I walked, I felt a stinging sensation on my left arm. I thought something much have scratched me, but when I checked the scratch after entering my room I couldn’t find any explanation

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The Green Skinned Demon

11 April 2017 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Two of my best friends are very “sensitive” to the paranormal. They both told me this story and it really creeped me out. They are sure they saw a demon. The two of them were walking downtown. It was still light out, and they were heading for a store. All of a sudden, they said they saw a young man, Andy, being harassed by the police. Andy is homeless, talks to himself, has stalked people, and writes about the devil. He is scary to be around. My friends keep walking after seeing him. Slowly, a car pulls up beside them. In the back seat with the window down is a teenage girl. She is leering at them. She is wearing all black, and is almost green in skin color, much

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The Spitting Demon

07 April 2017 | Demons, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was about 4 or 5 years old I had an experience that I have tried to make sense of ever since. I had just gone to bed on a summer’s night. I know it was summer because it was still light outside, probably about 8:30 p.m. I had not been in bed long and I looked up to the window above and to the left of my bed. I saw a figure in a dark hood. I could not see a face. Just blackness. Then the figure spat on me. I felt totally paralyzed. I didn’t know what else to do, but as crazy as this may sound, I tried to spit back at the figures. At that point, they disappeared. I didn’t see them again. I told

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