Don’t Go Into That Old Warehouse… We Did… And We Shouldn’t Have
03 March 2016 | February 2016
After hearing that there was an old warehouse outside of town, six of my friends and I decided to go out there and see what we could find. We all had an interest in the paranormal, and this was a good opportunity to see something. We arrived at the site and went through the first three buildings really just having a good time. We entered the fourth building and the walls were covered in graffiti, quite strange graffiti really. After being in there for a while, pieces of concrete started to fall, or so we thought. We later realized that it was rocks that were hitting the wall before the ground, which lead us to the conclusion that they were being thrown. It was at this point that we got
Read More »My Haunted Life Toosdays – Latest Issue
03 March 2016 | February 2016, My Haunted Life Toosdays
Here, a little late, is the latest awesome issue of Weird Darkness’ My Haunted Life Toosdays featuring content from this site… enjoy and let Darren know you loved it!
Read More »Whose Face Was It?
29 February 2016 | February 2016
The only experience I have ever had was when I was a student living in digs. It was a dark and gloomy sort of Victorian tenement place always cold and damp. I had a small room at the front of the house next door to the bathroom. One evening, I was in the bathroom getting ready to go out and when I looked in the mirror, the person looking back wasn’t me. I jumped as you might imagine in shock. It was a surreal experience as the person in the mirror was an old man and he peered at me even after I jumped in shock. We stared at each other for what seemed an eternity and was probably no more than a few seconds before he disappeared and my
Read More »A Churchyard Visit
27 February 2016 | Creepy places, February 2016
Last year, we visited an area of Prague called Vyshrad. According to Wikipedia, Vysehrad (Czech for “upper castle”) is a historical fort located in the city of Prague, Czech Republic. It was built, probably in the 10th century, on a hill over the Vltava River. Situated within the castle is the Basilica of St Peter and St Paul, as well as the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous people from Czech history, among them Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also contains Prague’s oldest surviving building, the Rotunda of St Martin from the 11th century.Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement which later became Prague, though thus far this claim remains unsubstantiated.. I found it a beautiful place, but
Read More »My Haunted Life Toosday’s New Issue
24 February 2016 | February 2016, My Haunted Life Toosdays
Here is the new issue of My Haunted Life Toosdays from our partners at Weird Darkness featuring all its content from this website….. Take a listen and see if your story was included. Don’t forget, submit your story at this site and it too might end up in a future episode of Weird Darkness….. Do spread the word and send this to your friends….
Read More »Unwanted House Guest
23 February 2016 | February 2016
I have always been a little open to, or “aware” of the paranormal since I was very small. My first encounter was when I was 15 years old. I was born and raised in Texas and we used to spend our summer and Christmas holiday breaks at my grandparents’ house up north. Their house was built in the beginning of the 1900s, so when I was a child it was already about 100 or more years old. The floors are extremely creaky and you could hear any footsteps loudly, and clearly. One summer my older brother decided to stay in our apartment in Houston and not go with us to my grandparents’ house, which also meant that I had to sleep alone in the guest bedroom with my mother and
Read More »Delayed Delivery
22 February 2016 | February 2016
My grandpa had lived in the same house ever since he moved in with his parents at the age of 2. He grew up there and when he got married, his wife – my grandma moved in with him and they brought up their children there. I spent a lot of time there during my childhood and I always loved this place. But as the years went by, it was time for them to move to another place. There were many reasons, the flat was quite cold and wet in winter, also there was no elevator and the rent was pretty high, and when the day came when one of them was alone, it would be impossible to pay for it. Fortunately my grandma inherited a flat from her mother
Read More »Ghosts and Poltergeists Follow Me Around
19 February 2016 | February 2016
I have had something attached to me since I was in school. I have lived in California most of my life, but between the ages of 5 and 7 my family and I lived in Oklahoma. Every house we lived in that I can remember was haunted. When I was 12, we lived in a house with poltergeist activity. Things would fly across the room by themselves. Every night, my brother would see a shadow on his bedroom wall of a man who would always end up sitting next to her on his bed, breathing on him. Apparently the breathing was audible to him. Every night in my room, the closet door would open by itself, no matter what I put in front of it to keep it from happening.
Read More »My Haunted Life Toosdays
19 February 2016 | February 2016
Another scintillating episode of My Haunted Life Toosdays from Darren Marlar and Weird Darkness. Do give it a listen – your own story may be included….
Read More »When Doves Fly
17 February 2016 | February 2016
This story took place when I was around ten years old. My family lived in Phoenix, Arizona. I was the baby of the family and my brother and sisters were older and on their own. My home life was full of domestic abuse and my home life was less than pleasant. Anyway, one summer afternoon I was outside playing baseball with some friends and I decided to go inside to cool off and watch some TV because it was getting extremely hot outside. I lay down on my bed upstairs and began watching TV. The bedroom window was to the back of me and I was facing the TV to the opposite side. I was watching TV when all of a sudden something made me look up to the right
Read More »The Menace
15 February 2016 | February 2016
I live in an apartment in New Jersey with my mother, both her grandparents, my twin sister, and my younger brother. I have always believed the paranormal, and I have read several books on the matter. My own story happened when I was 14 years old and I was home alone in our apartment. I was lying on a couch in the TV room when from the kitchen I heard a laugh. I didn’t know if it was from a woman, or man, but I soon heard footsteps coming from the kitchen walking toward the living room. I sat up on the couch and waited for something to emerge, but nothing did. It was completely silent in the apartment. So I looked back at the TV and then I heard
Read More »Google Streetview Captures Ghosts In Liverpool Hotel
15 February 2016 | February 2016
A Google streetview appears to have captured two eerie looking goggle-eyed ghosts in a Liverpool Hotel. The story was originally carried in the Sun newspaper along with details of the hotel’s haunted past. The two faces peer from the window and one appears to be very dapper in a bow tie and tuxedo….. The Stuart Hotel is apparently one of 150 haunted pubs in Liverpool. According to fellow paranormal author, Tom Slemen, “In 1897, the then landlord of the Stuart Hotel was a down-to-earth 41-year-old Wallasey man named Robinson Pemberton investigated a strange scratching noise in the cellar of the pub, and believed it was a rat, but then the noise became louder and was soon heard in neighbouring houses. “Three days later the pub was shaken from top to
Read More »A Glimpse Into The Past
13 February 2016 | February 2016
Sometimes, whatever is behind this Matrix in which we live has a disturbance, and if anyone is around to notice, something strange and sometimes scary occurs. On our many weekend camping trips, we visited many locations around east Yorkshire. There was one location that I remember in particular because of what one of our fellow camping fanatics told us. The location was a small town outside of Hull in the chalk hills called the Wolds. At one time, the town had been the site of a shunting yard and a very long tunnel on the main railway line. By the time we visited, the railway lines had long gone, and the land had fallen into disuse. We visited the tunnel, though, and we walked the entire distance with flashlights to
Read More »The Burned Apparition
12 February 2016 | February 2016
When I was a young boy, my step father’s friend was house sitting his brother’s huge white-washed Colonial farmhouse. He invited us over to look at the house. Immediately that we went inside that house, I knew that there was something that I didn’t like about it, and it wasn’t just the owner’s two huge Great Danes who stood almost as tall as me and followed me wherever I went. Something evil lived in that house. A little later during a tour of the house, my suspicions were confirmed. “Do you want to hear about the man who built this place?” we were asked. My stepdad said “Sure,” and the friend went on. “They say the man who built this house was driven crazy by what he had seen during
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