Haunted houses

The Fire Next Door

08 February 2021 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was very small when this happened. Though at the time, I did not understand why the things I remember happening took place. It was quite an amazing revelation to find out the whole story when I was old enough that it would not scare me. I remember one day as my family was driving toward home on our busy street, that we could see a lot of flashing lights. I remember my mom and dad’s concern as we got closer, because of all the fire trucks and emergency vehicles in front of our home. Luckily it was not our place, but our neighbors home that had caught fire. Being so young I really didn’t realize the gravity of what had happened. I remember how charred furnishings and a big

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Cleansing of the Russell house

14 January 2021 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

It was exactly two years since we last investigated the dark Russell house. I got a call from Chuck that the house was finally being cleansed. I told him about 6-weeks before that if he was having someone check out the house, that I would come back. Just to make sure they were legit. I was going back to the Russell’s home….after all that darkness we felt and experienced. I was going back, and with my now wife pregnant once more, she did not come with. But, my partner in the paranormal field, Andre did come back with me. We arrived at the house a few minutes before the team that was cleaning the house arrived. The home felt off. Like it knew something was coming for it. The paranormal

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The Comfort of Spirits

31 December 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The story I am going to tell is obviously true. My brother and I had a horrible childhood. He would get beat a lot. My Best friend and I were retiring to my room one night which was across from my brother’s room. We were walking up the stairs and he was immediately to the right. We both looked in his direction, the door open and we saw a full-body spirit leaning over the side of his bed where his head was. She was caressing my brother’s head! My best friend and I just looked at each other and went into my room. When we got into the room and shut the door we looked at each other and said, “Did you just see that!” we were stunned, but not

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Mother’s Pre-Sight

28 December 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My mother, when she was about 17 years of age, lived in an average middle-class neighborhood in a semi-rural town in the Northeastern US that has since become quite popular, and regards her childhood years fondly. The account that I am about to tell did become a pivotal moment in my mother’s life, that continues to affect her to this day. One late night, my mother was lying on her bed reading (which was not uncommon–she was and still is one to stay up into the wee hours of the night), while the rest of the household slept. She happened to look up into the doorway that led into the hall, and saw there an apparition of her mother, who was living at the time, standing in the door, floating

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Spirit Guide?

17 December 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The story I am going to tell is obviously true. My brother and I had a horrible childhood. He would get beat a lot. My Best friend and I were retiring to my room one night, which was across from my brother’s room. We were walking up the stairs and he was immediate to the right. We both looked in his direction, the door opened and we saw a full-body spirit leaning over the side of his bed where his head was. She was caressing my brother’s head! My best friend and I just looked at each other and went into my room. When we got into the room and shut the door we looked at each other and said, “Did you just see that?” we were stunned, but not

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A Haunted Life

04 December 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I want to tell you a story. A story about all of the weird happenings in my life. I have always been a believer in the spiritual side of the paranormal. I believe I was 3 or 4 when I remember my first encounter. Shadow people. I remember seeing shadows of a male figure from the corners of my eyes at my grandparent’s home walking down the hallway or passing by the threshold of doorways. There was one time in particular that I remember sitting in their living room, tv on, and playing with my legos and blocks. I was about 6 or 7 and my grandfather drove a truck for roadway and would stay gone all week. My grandmother was a vendor for Disney and Buena vista and was

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My Parents’ Haunted Home

01 December 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My parents house is haunted. I’ve known this since we moved in when I was 14. Things would constantly be moved around and us kids were always blamed for it. It was a two story house and we would always hear footsteps coming from upstairs when no one was up there, or even home at all. It became so normal that we were always surprised when friends mentioned it. It was the norm for us. It wasn’t the only thing that happened while I lived there. One night I was up late in our living room and my parents were asleep. I heard a scratching at the backdoor, which I assumed was our dog wanting back inside. I got half way across the room before remembering that the dog was

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The Clothes Were Swinging

30 November 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Growing up, my best friend and I, would play with the ouija board. As we grew older, she would be able to do automatic writing. I tried but could never clear my mind enough. I was being abused by my step-father from being eight. By this time I was sixteen. She and I were up late doing the automatic writing and in what we called one of our sessions it said, ” Beware of the closet, there will be a warning and something is going to happen, but you will be ok.” A few months go by and I am fooling around with my boyfriend and I look at my closet for some reason and I saw this pale boy with red lips and slick black hair smiling at me.

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The Haunted House of Shadows

23 November 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was about 6 years old when these experiences happened. When I was young my parents had divorced causing our family to abruptly split up and move into different homes. My dad moved my brother and I to a new apartment, owned by my father’s best friend. It was a nice apartment (half a house) that had many rooms and a lot of space for my brother and I to play in. Money was tight but my dad did what he could to provide for his kids. This house seemed normal at first, but it all seemed to quickly change. I have a few very frightening occurrences happen in this house, and they still haunt me to this day. My first experience began soon after we moved in. I had

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Harold and the Cat

19 November 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

As long as I can remember I have had an interest in the paranormal and supernatural and have had many experiences through my life. The house I lived in as a child in Bristol, England harboured both friendly and not so friendly entities and it is the experiences with both of these I want to share with you. I cannot remember when the strange occurrences started but I think it may have had something to do with the use of a ouija board in the house. It was used at Christmas when my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were all in the house. I was not present in the room where the board was used but saw it laid out before the session began. I don’t know what happened but

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The Pipe Smoker

09 November 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Just completed a sail from USA to Scotland. I visited many harbors and inlets around this gorgeous country. I was actually able to meet ancestors of my family clan “Fraser”. I have a strong family background in sailing. which basically began in Scotland and England. One night, I had anchored off a small community named Portree. A beautiful seaport. I spent three nights on the hook and went in town with my dingy. I spent time walking the entire town taking in all the history and folklore. Incredible history and stories told by the locals. I have a 40 foot wooden Ketch, which was built in the USA around the early 1900″s and has thousands of miles of sea time on her hull. I woke up on the third morning

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The Hefty Price

30 October 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

In 1944 my family moved into an apartment that no one wanted. The lure of cheap rent was not enough of a draw for even the most desperate. We were more than desperate, we were a family living on the margin. The margin of opportunity, money and sanity. We were the working poor, with a questionable pedigree. Housing had always been an issue, because of finances… and other matters of social delicacy. Our last chance was waiting, we had been disappointed before . My parents were shown dismal cold water flats fit for vermin, in industrial slums. Once property owners or Real Estate agents saw the dark skinned man with the blonde wife, suddenly there were no vacancies. To get rooms above a store on the avenue would take a

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The Entity and a Decade of Poison

26 October 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

April 2010, I find myself thoroughly injected in yet another hopeless, mundane, uneventful day in deep east Texas. Twenty-two years old with more life experience than most could dream at that age, though little evidence existed to support that claim other than the slide reel of countless memories ever rotating in my mind. At this point, I am approaching my 4th wedding anniversary however it wouldn’t be smiles as she was residing for a prolonged stay out of state, I’m staying with a friend and his wife attempting to find some financial stability. They were kind enough to let me work out what I had needed and provided me a room to make my own out of an old art studio in the rear of the house. The couple that

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Haunted House

15 October 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My parents house is haunted. I’ve known this since we moved in when I was 14. Things would constantly be moved around and us kids were always blamed for it. It was a two story house and we would always hear footsteps coming from upstairs when no one was up there, or even home at all. It became so normal that we were always surprised when friends mentioned it. It was the norm for us. It wasn’t the only thing that happened while I lived there. One night I was up late in our living room and my parents were asleep. I heard a scratching at the backdoor, which I assumed was our dog wanting back inside. I got half way across the room before remembering that the dog was

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Who’s That Knockin’ at the Door?

22 September 2020 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My mom was sitting at the kitchen table, up early as usual. The time was around 5 am. She sat reading her Bible while puffing on her ever present cigarette. Our house was an old parish as the church was catty-cornered across the street from us. It had been a one bedroom house with a front and back porch. As our family grew to three boys and three girls, my dad had added on to the house and enclosed the porches to become part of the house and added two new bedrooms with a basement below (as my mom was very scared of tornadoes). Where the back porch had been enclosed it was made a part of the kitchen. As you were sitting at the table you could look down

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