News Camera Catches Real Ghosts In Haunted House [VIDEO]
30 October 2024 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news
DeAnna Simpson from Hanover, Pennsylvania bought a house seven years ago with her husband and they put every penny into the home. It wasn’t long after they bought the home when things started going down hill. They started seeing things and even getting attacked. They caught some of it on video which caught the attention of the media. According to FOX43 the Simpsons invited them to the home to prove that the house was indeed haunted. The Simpsons believe that there at least five ghosts hunting the house. When the news crew from FOX43 showed up, they were only in the house 5 minutes and the ghost where not happy! They let the cameraman know how unhappy they were by scratching him and the news reporter by pinching her. As
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Woman who married ghost faces ex’s jealousy after adopting possessed clown
27 May 2024 | Bizarre, Ghost romance, Ghosts in the news
Can you believe this MSN article? What do you think to it? A woman who says she married then divorced a ghost has adopted a possessed clown – but says it’s made her ex jealous. Brocarde, 40, tied the knot with Victorian soldier spook Edwardo then split with him when she accused him of cheating and then stalking her. The singer and songwriter has now adopted a possessed clown after ‘connecting’ with him when spending a night at The Clown Motel In Nevada. She toured the USA with the clown doll then has returned home to Oxfordshire with it to conduct a paranormal investigation on him. But she says her ex Edwardo has become jealous – and does not want the clown in the house. Ghost ‘magnet’ Brocarde encountered the
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Ten Ways to Know if Your House is Haunted
18 November 2022 | Ghosts in the news, Your True Encounters
The Daily Mirror recently carried a story that struck a chord with me…. It said that according to Barri Ghai, a paranormal investigator, there were 10 ways to tell if your home was haunted… Here they are. A feeling of being watched and a presence around you when alone 2 – Frequent problems with electrical items including TVs, lights, cookers and other appliances 3 – Sudden and inexplicable temperature drops, often isolated to particular areas of the property 4 – Witnessing objects moving by themselves or noticing items going missing 5 – Strange smells that seem to come and go, like the scent of perfume, flowers, tobacco or even rotten meat 6 – An unknown infestation of flies or other insects may be a sign of a demonic presence 7
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Haunted by a ‘Sex Demon’
10 October 2022 | Ghosts in the news, Haunted, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
It’s a while ago that I did my research on sleep paralysis and the whole universe of sex demons that resulted in my book on the topic but today I saw this story and figured I would comment on it. It’s from the Lad Bible website which says this… Living in one of Britain’s most haunted buildings is going to bring some challenges, but this owner has been forced out as a result of it. Caroline Humphries is the owner of Ancient Ram Inn in Gloucestershire but is selling up shop due to a suspected sex demon. The owner says that multiple guests have claimed that they were assaulted by the demon while in the building. She even recalls a moment with her late father, John, who had various encounters with ghosts. Humphries has had major
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Paranormal Fears Podcast
23 February 2022 | Black Eyed Kids, G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Ghosts in the news, Your True Encounters
I recently appeared on the Paranormal Fears podcast talking with host K-Town on black-eyed kids and much more…. catch the episode here.
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A Haunted Mirror?
23 February 2021 | Audible Activity, Bizarre, Evidence?, Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Quite a scary story in the Daily Express that I feel is worth picking up on. It involves a haunted mirror purchased from an antique shop. Its new owner is a UK Medium and he was able to capture a video with some rather creepy conversations with what he says is the ghost of a girl that haunts the mirror. The video may be seen here. The medium claims he started to hear unexplained rattling sounds (in fact, the video does include the sound at the beginning), before making contact with the spirit. The article states…. On the video he can be heard telling the ghost this is their chance to communicate, and he is convinced you can faintly hear the ghost replying, “you help me”. He also believes he
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The Ouija Board
22 February 2021 | Ouija, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Growing up, my mother and her friends would often play the ouija board. I grew used to watching them play on the hot summer days when we kids were locked outside. However, one day, much to my surprise, my mother let me join in. The next day my girl scout troop was going to Washington D.C. and my entire family was going. Well, when we did the ouija board, it began warning us about the trip. It said that something horrible was going to happen and that we shouldn’t go. We ignored the warning and the next morning began experiencing strange things. I unplugged my night light and an hour later it was plugged back in. My parents claimed that I was lying when I said I had unplugged it.
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Mysterious Mist & Strange Anomalies Appear In Parade Pics
11 January 2021 | Bizarre, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was at the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village with one of my MeetUp groups last year, when Halloween may’ve come calling with its own trick or treats. We were all in costume, marching in the parade (I was Geisha Guy) and I was taking pics with my cell. I was photographing a young guy in a Superman costume when, out of the blue, my camera took a walk on the wild side. Where normally the camera would simply snap open and shut when I took a pic, now the lens would remain open for a couple seconds, then begin taking pictures entirely on its own in rapid succession (I heard a series of clicks, though I only hit the button once). Or it would remain open, partially close, then
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Burning the Ouija Board
18 May 2020 | Haunted houses, Ouija, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This dates back some years ago, when we had to move to Orange Texas and we had a house in Logansport, Louisiana. My dad got a phone call that the house in Logansport had been broken into and so they went up there to check out what had been messed up our stolen or destroyed. So, when they arrived, they started going through things and seeing what all was missing and cleaning things up. While cleaning things out of my sister’s room, they found an old Ouija board that was given to her when she was a young girl (she was in here mid 20s when this happened) by a step aunt that gave it to her one year for her birthday. As my family is very religious, my dad
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Passion for the Paranormal Halloween Special
17 October 2019 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Ghosts in the news, Your Stories
I was interviewed for the podcast and enjoyed a good old chat about ghosties and ghoulies and the like. You can listen in if you want….
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Woman Divorces Ghost Husband
24 September 2019 | Bizarre, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
You may recall Amanda Teague, if you follow such things, as the Irish woman who married her ghost pirate lover, Jack, in 2006? She was one of several women I covered in my ghost sex book of a couple of years ago. Well, according to Irish Central, the relationship has ended in divorce. Teague explained on a British TV show, that she began to explore spirituality in 2010 after her son died in hopes of finding a “link to the other side.” She said it was five years before Jack presented himself, and even then, it took Teague months for her to believe “he was who he said he was.” She began to feel uncomfortable several months into the marriage saying “things happen, you can’t blame everything on the paranormal,”
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Playing with the Devil
22 July 2019 | Old hag, Ouija, ouiji boards, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was very young, very lost, confused and didn’t have a lot of support growing up. I was an only child and was passed around from family member to family member. Not saying I was the perfect child. I just didn’t have the best people to guide me. I was raised in the church, I mean 6 days a week and some weekends always in church. I didn’t want church, I didn’t want to be with all these different family members. I wanted my mother. Who for some reason or another was never around. I started acting out in school. Stealing, fighting ect. Finally my mother decided to send me to my aunts house. As if that wasn’t enough to add on to the stress of a teenager but she
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27 March 2019 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Ghosts in the news
On the 15th November 2018, I was interviewed on Beyond Reality Radio….. it went out across the USA. Here it is.
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The Colonel’s Final Round – Is This Proof of the Afterlife???
20 March 2019 | Evidence?, Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
The following was submitted yesterday. Assuming it’s real, this is stunning proof of life after death – read the explanation and watch the video. In 2015 my dad died after a quick battle with dementia. He was a scientist and a retired Air Force Colonel. When my mom passed in 2005, she returned 3 days later in the form of a blinking Turkish lamp, 3 quick flashes, 3 slower flashes, 3 very slow flashes. Both my dad and I were present. I asked him what that might have been, he said most likely mom stopping by before she left, letting us know things are ok. Right then we made a pact to do the same if one of us were to go first, we are both science driven and we
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Who Peeks from the Closet?
13 March 2019 | Evidence?, Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was in my kitchen with one of my kids. While she was eating, I took a picture of her and posted it on Facebook. That’s when people started asking me, “Who is the man in the background?” Her and I were the only two in the home. I looked at the picture again and you can see an older man looking around the corner of the pantry. Our house was built in 1877. Submitted to WCPO by Stephanie Ater – Fayette County, Ohio
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