Right Said Fred
18 May 2017 | Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your True Encounters
Today, I pulled someone’s post from Reddit as it is really quite a good story. I am researching poltergeist stories for the next Kindle short and this one shows that sometimes, they do have a sense of humor. This also reminds me of an incident I experienced and wrote about in one of the MyHaunted Life books…. I experienced any number of bizarre happenings when I was in college. One was the poltergeist in my best friend’s apartment. Strange stuff had started happening there early in the spring semester of my second year. Doors would lock by themselves. Strange scraping and banging sounds came from the walls. A sense of presence and being watched settled over things, objects would disappear and be found elsewhere. Even my friend’s skeptic roommate started
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Hotel Poltergeist
17 May 2017 | Haunted locations, Poltergeist, Your True Encounters
Imagine checking into your hotel room only to experience poltergeist activity? No? Well, the Holiday Inn Express in Leeds City Center apparently has poltergeist – at least according to this Tripadvisor reviewer.. This hotel is great value for money and is ideally situated in the centre of Leeds and no more than a 20 min walk to most places that you will want to visit. The bar area is fine and the breakfast cooked and the basic fayre that you would expect. The rooms are of ample size and the bed was very comfortable. Service from the hotel team was great throughout. Two things let it down for us and hence not five stars: – There were only decaf coffee sachets in the room and after a heavy night out,
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Haunting at 824 Sweetbriar
05 May 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This all started back in the summer of 1965. It was a hot August day. My oldest brother and I were home and were about to make some lunch. We started making lunch and about 20 minutes pass before we heard a knock on the front door. My brother said, “Go see who that is.” So I go and open the door – but no one was there. I closed it and walked back telling him no one was there. So he just said, “OK“, and he continued to make sandwiches while I made the soup. Tomato soup to be exact. Some time went by when again, we heard a knock at the front door. Again, he asked me to go see who it was. So, I go to see
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Am I Haunted?
01 May 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
My story begins when I was eight years old and my mother was cleaning the back half of the house. As she was coming to the front, I heard her tell my brother to shut the door if he was going to use the restroom and then she walked on like nothing happened. She reached the front room and stopped dead in her tracks and said to my brother who was there with me “How did you get out here so fast.” I asked “Who were you talking to mom?” and she said “I was talking to your brother.” I now think that my mother saw my brothers’ doppleganger. When I was twelve, we moved to a new house. The first night there, we had to call the police department
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The Phantom Knocker
27 April 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Since February I have been hearing knocks all around my house. It started one night at around 3am. I was having a tough time falling asleep so I went downstairs to watch TV. I’m sitting on the couch watching infomercials, when I heard a male voice call me from my room. I go to my room and asked my husband what he needed but he was fast asleep. A few weeks later, I heard knocks under the house, but I dismissed it as neighborhood cats under the house. That happens all the time. I went to bed and thought nothing of it until I heard three really loud bangs on my front door at around 3am in the morning. I went to get a bat and see who was at
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The Poltergeist That Likes to Start Fires
22 February 2017 | Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Nedamov u Dubé is a small village in the Czech republic known mostly as a place school kids go to camp in the summer. However, over the last few years, it has become famous for an occurrence of a poltergeist with a difference – this poltergeist is an arsonist. It all seems to have started when a house burned down a couple of years ago in the village. The firefighters could establish no cause for the mysterious fire that gutted the building. Things got stranger however when rebuilding began. Over the course of 6 days, the fire fighters were called out to no fewer than 45 fires at the property. According to the construction workers and the local fire fighters, things would simply spontaneously combust including articles of clothing, wooden
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Beware Room 10, It’s Haunted!
06 January 2017 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Poltergeist, Your True Encounters
TripAdvisor.com is a site to look for things to do and places to stay. The reviews can often be fun to read and sometimes, they can be very, very creepy too…..Here are some reviews of the Overland Hotel & Saloon in Nevada. It seems Room 10 may have a problem! I stayed in the room across from room 10. I could hear heavy breathing coming from the hallway so I opened the door to realize nobody was there – not a single soul in the corridor. I went to room 10 and because it was empty I thought why not? So I opened the door with anticipation. And I walked through the room. I felt a strange presence as I walked through to the bedroom. As if somebody was watching
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The Christmas Demon
24 December 2016 | Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was told this story when I was young by my Aunts, Mother and Grandmother. My grandmother had twenty four kids and the women in my family have always been sensitive to other worldly things My grandmother was in her youth and making Christmas dinner for everyone when as she said that she felt as though she was being watched in her kitchen. My Grandmother was a God fearing women so she said a prayer and went back to what she was doing. That is until she heard a scream coming from upstairs where she kept her canned foods. Thinking someone was hurt she ran and got my uncle J.R and went upstairs to investigate. As they went up the stairs, my Uncle felt like he was being pushed back
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I Will Kill You – New Episode of Weird Darkness
30 November 2016 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, My Haunted Life Toosdays, Phone Calls from the dead, Poltergeist, Your Stories
This episode was brought to you by Food For The Poor. In the Christmas spirit, I’m asking you to make a single donation or even a monthly donation to save the lives of children and families in Haiti. Click the link at http://www.WeirdDarkness.com to learn more and to make your donation today. Featured In This Episode… “The Shadowy Apparition That Took Me By Surprise” submitted anonymously https://www.myhauntedlifetoo.com/2016… “The Other Side is Trying To Communicate With Me” submitted by Gemma Jenkins https://www.myhauntedlifetoo.com/2016… “Assaulted By a Ghost: A Living Hell” submitted by Mrs Phillippa Hilsden https://www.myhauntedlifetoo.com/2016… “The Cross My Mother Haunted” submitted by Heather Bleinhem https://www.myhauntedlifetoo.com/2016… “I Will Kill You: Mountain Ash Hospital Ghost Threatens a Ghost Hunter” written by G. Michael Vasey https://www.myhauntedlifetoo.com/2016… Original EVP Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gpFG… Music provided by Shadow’s
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Poltergeist Terror in South Shields…
18 November 2016 | Haunted locations, Poltergeist
As yesterday’s post was so popular with readers, we thought it would be interesting to share another famous poltergeist account to terrorize you and keep you awake all night. Poltergeist intrusions have always been some of the most fascinating cases in paranormal investigation. From the Enfield Haunting, the Amityville House through to the Monk of Pontefract, much of this activity is well known for being prankish, playful, and—although creepy—it is not particularly harmful. However, there are those cases in which a poltergeist will escalate its activities to a terrifying and intense level, running amok with ever more impressive displays of strength and power. One such case that has become one of the most incredibly potent poltergeist manifestations of all time was a spooky series of events surrounding a young family
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“We Want You Gone…” The Living Hell of the Thornton Heath Poltergeist
16 November 2016 | Creepy places, November 2016, Poltergeist, Your Stories
In the early 1970s in Thornton Heath, England, a family was tormented by poltergeist phenomena that started one August night when they were woken in the middle of the night by a blaring bedside radio that had somehow turned itself on. Not only had the radio managed to turn itself on, but it had tuned itself to a foreign-language station. This was the beginning of a string of events that lasted nearly four years, terrifying one family to breaking point. A lampshade repeatedly was knocked to the floor by invisible hands. During the Christmas season of 1972, an ornament was hurled across the room, smashing into the husband’s forehead. As one member of the family sat down, the Christmas tree started to shake violently. The New Year didn’t bring any
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