The Bedroom Haunting
13 June 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
We moved into a new house when I was fourteen. I always felt uneasy being upstairs or in my bedroom and had this constant feeling of being watched. Some small things had happened but the most notorious was that my wardrobe door would randomly open in the middle of the night. It always happened when I was still awake. I would spend hours reading until late at night, before falling asleep. These wardrobes had proper door handles that latched. You would need to lift the handle straight up to get it open. Alternatively, if you were hiding inside the wardrobe you could open it by squeezing the latch from the inside until it popped open. The first few times this happened, I simply thought that the door must have been
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The Falling Gnome
23 May 2017 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was only about seven when this happened but it still gives me the creeps just thinking about it. When I was seven my mother had a garden gnome in the garden out by the front side of the house. She called it Sylvester for some odd reason. When I was younger, before I had started school that garden gnome had been my only friend. The day I started school and came home the gnome wasn’t in the garden anymore . I looked and looked for it until finally I gave up and went inside . After I went inside I heard a loud thump like something had fallen from the roof and landed on the ground in front of my bedroom window. At first I thought it was just
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Ouija Board Terror
12 May 2017 | Haunted items, ouiji boards, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I live in West Virginia. This is where my experience took place. I am now over fifty years old, but I was just over ten when this happened. My mother bought me a Ouija board thinking it was a game. One night while my dad was at work, we got out the board, lit a candle and put it in the middle of the table. We placed our fingers lightly on the planchette. Mom asked if there was anyone there that wanted to speak to us. I was giggling. She asked again. The planchette then moved to YES. I told mom she was moving it and she said she was not. My mother asked, “Who are you?” The planchette then went to each letter and spelled Alberts. We did not
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The Moving Cross Touched By A Spirit
03 May 2017 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was unemployed several years ago and spent much of my time watching TV. I had never had anything paranormal happen to me before. This took place at around 4 to 5 in the afternoon. I wasn’t alone as my mother was just a few feet away from me on the couch. Everything was quite normal until I noticed a cross which has been hanging just above the TV for years started to move, slowly at first… then more violently. It was like someone has pushed it hard or like it had been jolted. This cross is heavy. There is no possibility of wind moving it or anything. It takes some force to make the thing move. As soon as I saw this cross move, I quickly turned to my
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The Devil’s Bible
12 April 2017 | Bizarre, Haunted items, Your True Encounters
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to see this strange document first hand, as it was on display outside of Brno. In fact, what I saw was a copy of the original. Nonetheless, the effect was chilling. The Devil’s Bible or Codex Gigas is 36inches tall by 20 inches wide and about 9 inches thick. It contains a set of Christian texts including the Bible. It is bound in leather with metal trim and weighs over 165 pounds. It is known for the amazing color illustration in its pages of the Devil and that is how it gained its name. Historians believe the text was created in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice in the Czech Republic in the early 13th century. Now, as if the scale of the
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The Giant Graveyard Orb
15 March 2017 | Creepy places, Haunted houses, Haunted items, Your Stories
My brother and my daughter, decided to have a weekend away with me in a village where we stayed in a two-hundred-year-old inn, while there, we saw a notice board with a ghost walk advertised on it, we thought it would be a bit of fun, and agreed to go on it. When we turned up at the allotted time at the meeting place, which was in front of the old disused graveyard, we were surprised that no one else was there, I asked a young girl passing by if she knew anything about it, she told us it was only on a Friday night that the event took place, and this was Saturday evening, disappointed that we had missed it, we decided to go and have a couple of
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The Witchfinder and his weird wooden box – A Kentish tale of the 1600’s.
10 March 2017 | Haunted items, Your True Encounters
The sheer horror of this Kentish story forbids me to actually name the quiet village where the following took place, in around about the year 1620. However, If I was to treat this as a solveable clue for the curious, and intellectual researcher into the paranormal, I would describe the village as having a traditional English woman’s name followed by her boiled loin of pork. That is the only clue, a map may suffice to locate the actual place, which itself is close to a prominent castle. About the late 1500’s and into the 1620’s a zealot lived in this small community. His wanton need for control of the people of the village led him to declare himself the official witchfinder for the local area, and like all bullies both
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The Green Orb
09 March 2017 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
It was a normal night, several years ago,/ I was staying with my grandparents, and it was time to go to bed so I did. I don’t know the exact time, but it was in the middle of the night. I awoke to see a “green ball” floating in the living room. The room was cold. Being pretty young at the time, I didn’t know what it was, but I knew that it wasn’t something normal. I tried to wake up my grandfather, but it was no use, he slept through my attempts at trying to wake him up. I looked back at the “green ball” floating in the entry way to my grandmother’s room of old stuff. It didn’t move, but it had an odd ominous glow to it.
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The Haunted Radio?
08 March 2017 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I think I’m a little bit sensitive to the spirit world. I have heard strange noises my whole life, I’ve seen objects move around. I’ve also had some very strange dreams—but this happened to me a few years ago, when I was with my last girlfriend. My girlfriend had this speaker system, kind of like a boom box that works either plugged in or with batteries. We were listening to music one evening and the speaker made this error sound when we turned it on. I got a bit freaked out, but my girlfriend told me it’s normal and that it does it every time you turn it on. It was just a buzz. Then we went out for a while, and when we came back, we decided to watch
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The terrible sundial – The dial of death
02 March 2017 | Haunted items, Your Stories
The sundial in our garden has been telling the time for over two hundred years. It is accurate during the summer, and in the winter months can be adjusted slightly to be more or less accurate. It is only one of several sundials we own, these timepieces being an interest of mine. This is the story of the strangest sundial I have ever inspected, a sundial with just one purpose, a Dial of Death. Solar clocks come in many types, the technology is ancient, and time has been told using the shadow of the sun for thousands of years across all cultures. Starting with a simple stick fastened upright in the ground, to a bronze muzzle loading noon gun, fired with the sunlight from a lens, all types of sundial
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Did I See My Brother’s Ghost?
24 January 2017 | Haunted houses, Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Back in 1990 or so, my husband and I were preparing to replace my mother’s kitchen flooring. The kitchen door opened on to a high outside deck with its railng top about 6 feet above the ground. We had the kitchen door open in order to take out the old linoleum, and I proceeded to bring in the shop vac. As I sat it down, it suddenly roared on with its loud motor-then shut off-then roared on again and off. My husband stopped pulling the refrigerator out from the wall and asked, “Did that just turn on without being plugged in?” Incredulously it had! I glanced out the open doorway and saw my brother’s ghost float by the railing. He was transparent but had color. He was in a walking
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The Skull and The Chess Piece
03 January 2017 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
A friend of mine once told me this story on Halloween many years ago. It chilled me to the bone. Whether it is true or not, I am not sure although he swore on his mother’s grave that it was. In the late 1970’s, the central cemetery in west Hull was a real eyesore. It was overrun with trees, bushes and weeds and it was used as a place for illicit activities. Most people gave it a very wide berth. Most of the graves in the cemetery are Victorian and grandiose monstrosities of a bygone era. Pretty damned creepy in fact. These days, the whole area has been cleaned up, tidied and is actually, worth a visit. However, back then, it was a place to be avoided if at all
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Grandpa James and the Haunted Vase
14 December 2016 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Today’s encounter is one that I really like….. Imagine being left such a gift? I was fifteen years old when this incident took place. A couple of years before my grandfather had passed away. He had lived with us for as long as I can remember, and took care of our family while my mom worked full time. He had a very strong presence, was psychic and had always believed in ghosts. When he passed over to the other side, my mom moved us to live with my grandma and uncle until she could find steady work. That’s when we noticed some strange occurrences taking place. It was just small things to begin with like ornaments that were slightly re-arranged when we weren’t looking, lights going on and off by
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The Blessed Mother Statue That Moved Around
02 December 2016 | Haunted items, Your True Encounters
We used to have a statue of Blessed Mother statue that moved around all by itself. I’m not at all sure where my grandmother got it from, but she swore that it could smile and even cry. That statue always scared me when I was younger. A few years ago, our extended family all lived together in the same house. My grandparents were also living with us along with my Uncle My uncle lived in the only Bedroom down in the basement. I honestly didn’t ever go his the room nor was the door ever open because I always felt a weird energy from that room. Later, when my extended family moved out I discovered why. The statue had been in that room and when they moved, they left it
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