The Haunted House in Detroit
05 January 2025 | September 2015
I live in Detroit, my family have lived here for many years. Whenever we passed a small wooden house in Highland Park my dad always pointed it out as a very haunted house that his grandfather built. My grandfather ran his business from the house and my father always told me of a story—apparently there was a dark little room in the back with a painting of an old fashioned hearse on the wall and a small table. Every so often the building got cold and some very strange things would happen. Apparently my grandfather would hear a loud shaking noise at night, and in the morning the small table would be in a different location. If you were in the room you could heard the sound of horses galloping.
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The Ghost That Loved Me
04 January 2025 | September 2015
One late evening I was lying in bed half-asleep and half-awake waiting to go into a deep sleep. I’d been out with some friends drinking and had gotten home and gone straight to bed. It was unusual for me to be half-asleep and half-awake as normally a few drinks assure me of a full nights sleep. I was drifting off when I felt my wife get into bed next door to me. I heard her switch the light off and turn over. She was obviously interested in me that night so we made love and then I turned over and went straight to sleep. The following morning I woke up hungover and she wasn’t there and I remembered that she had been at a conference all weekend. So who the
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Grandma’s Ghost and the Babysitter
03 January 2025 | September 2015
My Grandma passed in 1967. It was a shock to all that knew her, for she was only 57 years old. My Grandma was a firebrand and left behind her loving husband, three daughters and three sons. Naturally, the loss of your mother at such a young age was hard for her children. They all missed her spark and often spoke about her. A year, or so, had passed and the family was beginning to recover after the wake of such and unexpected death. Grandma’s oldest daughter Steph, who looked just like Grandma, had me and my brother to take care of, which kept her busy. Mom went out with her friends one night and had hired a local sitter to watch me and my brother. As the night went
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02 January 2025 | September 2015
A few years ago, I lost my husband. For a while, I would often feel his presence in the house and talk to him in fact. It was a very sad time indeed. One day, I had made myself a cup of tea and set it by my chair. The phone rang and I had quite a long conversation. By the time the call was over, the tea was stone cold and needed heated up again. However, at that point, I suddenly felt as if my husband was there in spirit. To my utter surprise, I watched steam coming off of the cup of tea. There really was steam rising from the cup. I touched the cup and of course it was stone cold and yet it steamed. He liked
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Can A Table Be Possessed?
31 December 2024 | September 2015
About twenty years ago we moved into a very old house. When one of the walls was removed, they found a room, inside the room two of the workmen discovered an old table. It looked extremely old and my parents decided to keep it. At the time we all thought it was a beautiful table and it lived in our dining room. We had never experienced any kind-of paranormal activity but we began to notice that some of our family photos, taken at the table, had orbs in them. Finally we realized that the only photos that had orbs in them were photos that included the table. Nothing more sinister than that really happened—we still have the table and strange things happen when the focus is on the table. For example
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The Demon in my Dreams
30 December 2024 | September 2015
Some years ago my family, and I, moved to a house in Pittsburgh, PA. The previous owner had died suddenly and his family wanted to sell everything—house, contents—everything. We moved into a house that was decorated in a very 1950’s style. My room had an arm chair, an old bed, an old stereo and a pile of dusty old books. A few days later, bored, I went to my room and started to read one of the old books. It was about the paranormal. I soon discovered that all of the books were about the paranormal and inside one of them there was a newspaper cutting from the turn of the century. I discovered that the house we had bought had once belonged to a priest who had, by all accounts, gone
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A Ghostly Dog – A Scary Ghost Story
29 December 2024 | September 2015
When we first moved into our house in Houston, TX., we had a few strange experiences. The house wasn’t old – perhaps 10-years old by the time we moved in so we really couldn’t explain the occurrences. The first thing we noticed was what appeared to be a dog walking by just outside the Den windows in the back yard. It was a big dog and moving slowly. The first few times, we just assumed it belonged to a neighbor but once we go to know them we learned no one locally had a big dog. Occasionally, I would run out across the kitchen and out the back door but there was never any dog to be found. After a while, we just got used to the ghostly dog in
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Unseen Presence in My Bedroom
28 December 2024 | September 2015
When I was a child, my parents lived in Ontario, Canada. I had just gone to bed one night and was watching TV with my cat. My cat suddenly got scared and freaked out. I looked around the room and all of a sudden something grabbed my ankles and pulled me down the bed. I remember being pulled very angrily down to the bottom of the bed—but I couldn’t see anything. Then it was like something was sitting on the bottom of the bed next to me. I could see the depression in the mattress. I got up, left the room and would never sleep in that bedroom again. Originally posted 2015-09-18 10:02:24.
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The Witches’ Daughter
27 December 2024 | September 2015
Many, many years ago, I went on a school trip to SW England. One evening during the stay, there were some girls in the hotel of as similar age who had come for the weekly disco there. I was immediately attracted to one of them and over the course of the evening, did everything I could to hook up with her. I had some success and at sometime after midnight I walked her home holding hands. As we walked out of town down a dark country lane she began to become afraid and insisted that I leave her to walk the remaining half a mile or so on her own. She told me a rather strange story as we walked. She told me that her parents were witches and of
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Family Bible….
26 December 2024 | September 2015
“Come and look at this,” my father said with a tone in his voice I recognized as meaning it was something interesting. I walked over to our kitchen table curiously. He had a book. It was actually a huge book and leather-bound. “It’s a bible,” explained my Dad. It was a large and heavy, black, leather-bound bible. It looked quite old too. “It belonged to neighbors of mine when I was a boy,” explained Dad leafing through some of the pages. “Here, look at this.” The inside cover of this huge family bible was written in and once I got used to the old fashioned hand writing, I realised it was a four generation family tree. Did it mark the path through the family that this bible had taken? As
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The Victorian House Basement
25 December 2024 | September 2015
I recently wrote of this house in Minneapolis that I lived in with friends in the 1970s. But there are at least two more scary stories about that house that I would like to share. My girl friend was going to night school and I was drinking beer and watching TV one night when Patty, a room mate, knocked on my door and wanted to know if my girlfriend was around. I told her that she would not be home until midnight and she complained about the spookiness of the the house and wanted me to sit in her room with her and watch TV there while she did her study work as her boyfriend was out of town. So I’m sitting there watching tv and drinking a beer while
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Old Woman
24 December 2024 | September 2015
About ten years ago, I was staying with one of my friends and her family in Memphis. They lived in an old house and I have always gotten the creeps when I was there alone. One evening I went to a movie with my friend and we came back late. We walked into the Kitchen and to our amazement we saw an old woman standing against the door. She was almost bent double and up against the door as though she were listening. She turned, looked at us and smiled. I walked towards her and she disappeared. It was freaky but that spirit didn’t seem to mean us any harm. Originally posted 2015-09-10 08:32:17.
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23 December 2024 | September 2015
My family owns a hunting camp up near Atlanta and we go there each year for a week or so. One year, my father invited a few of his friends and their families. The house that we owned was built in the 1800’s and my father had rebuilt it from a ruin. The previous owners name was inscribed at the back of the house in a large stone near the foundation. His name was Albert. Each year weird things would happen in the house—items would go missing, strange noises, a weird sound that sounded like gunfire—all kinds of things. That year we put some of my dad’s friends and their families up on folding lawn chairs in the den. A few nights into the trip several of the guests complained
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Uncle’s Last Visit
22 December 2024 | September 2015
It was 1984 and I was about 6 yrs.old at that time. It was the first time that I realized that I had this third eye. In my younger years, I saw a lot of creepy things, but this one I could say was my first! My uncle Al had just died in a car crash a few days ago. We were so very closed. He used to play with me and even made a swing for us to use for an afternoon nap. One night, a day after his funeral. I just can’t understand my feelings when I was about to go to bed. I had this urged to open my eyes even if I am too sleepy. For three hours, I just stared at the ceiling and the
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The Farmer’s Daughter
21 December 2024 | September 2015
I was Topeka Kansas born, but grew up in the Chicago suburbs. I went through the carpenters union apprentice program after high school. Returning to the Chicago area and after being a carpenter for a few years, I met what now would be called a cougar. This beautiful woman was from Ireland and though never a love relation, she owned a lot of property and had me renovate 6 or 8 places. She owned a bar and had apparently divorced 8 wealthy men. I only knew this as the patrons in her bar knew of at least 4, although when cleaning out a shed behind her house as requested, I threw out wedding pix from 8 obviously wealthy guys she had married! Anyway she had me redo and make apartments
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