My God Experience In McDonalds
07 March 2016 | March 2016
I worked in a McDonald’s at night. One night when no one was in the restaurant apart from me and a couple of other workers, a man that smelt of pee walked in the door. He had white hair and he was wearing white clothes. He ordered a Big Mac and gave me a tip of 100 Pounds then he left. I looked out the window and saw a white beam shine down on him and then he just disappeared. Submitted by Jack.
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Ghost GIF Fun and Fear!
06 March 2016 | March 2016
This is a fun gif… for a scary ghost stories website.
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The Man In The Ambulance
06 March 2016 | March 2016
Im 30 years old now but this experienced happened to me when I was 21. Just 2 days after my birthday in fact! I was working for a fast food joint as a driver making deliveries. I went out on a delivery that day and on my way back to the office, a bus skipped a traffic light and hit me and my motorcycle on the side. When I woke up, the back wheel of the bus was pressing against my side and I was laying there under the bus in pain. All of my fingers on one hand were pointing in the wrong direction and that freaked me out. Out of nowhere, this small girl was sitting with me underneath the bus and talking to me just saying “You
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Ghostly Big Band
01 March 2016 | March 2016
In the early 80’s, a close friend of my husband’s came to visit us from California. He stayed for a couple of months and was helping my husband do some garden work. One day he stopped and went into the garage to pick out a tool for my husband. I was outside sitting, watching them men work—my husband’s friend called from the garage. “Who is the Glenn Miller fan?” he called out. My husband and myself turned to the garage and then looked at each other. “Neither of us, “I called back. “Can you get me some more iced tea?” We didn’t get a reply. My husband went into the garage and saw his friend searching around for the source of this old, crackly big band music. Neither of them
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