Audible Activity

The Voice

27 June 2017 | Audible Activity, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Last year, I was in my dorm room, and it was the last day before I went home. I awoke to someone calling my name. I called out my roommates names, and no one answered. I heard my name being called again. I looked at my alarm clock, and it said 5:11 AM. I looked over at the door, and I saw someone standing there. I sat there staring. Then I heard my name being called again by the person. I said, “I’m sorry to keep you waiting, I need to put my glasses on because I can’t see you clearly.” I put my glasses on and looked at the person, but the person wasn’t there anymore. I got so scared that I sat in my bed shivering for the

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A Paranormal Experience In Room 217 At The Stanley Hotel

23 June 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

While staying the night in room 217 at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Parks, Colorado, my partner and I experienced three strange events we will probably remember for the rest of our lives. When you hear about the Stanley Hotel, you probably think of Stephen King’s horror novel called The Shining, or Stanley Kubrick’s horror film also called The Shining. However, in addition to a famous book and film, the hotel also has had a reputation for decades of reported ghost activity . Claims of paranormal activity have attracted visitors from around the world. In 1974, famous horror writer Stephen King stayed the night in room 217. Interestingly, his stay at the Stanley had inspired him to write his famous horror novel The Shining. It is also the room where

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The Healing

21 June 2017 | Audible Activity, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My second story took place about year after the first. I had broken up with a girlfriend and shortly after the breakup, I developed a kink in my neck on the left side. I stayed with me for months and months, almost close to a year. One day I couldn’t take it anymore, in submission I got down first on my knees and started praying to God to heal my neck, to take this pain, this kink in it, away. I was tired, exhausted from not being able to sleep well for so long. I prayed and prayed, and then in further submission to God, I laid down on the floor on my stomach, face down and continued to pray. I asked for nothing more than healing, and I continued

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The Bedroom Haunting

13 June 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

We moved into a new house when I was fourteen. I always felt uneasy being upstairs or in my bedroom and had this constant feeling of being watched. Some small things had happened but the most notorious was that my wardrobe door would randomly open in the middle of the night. It always happened when I was still awake. I would spend hours reading until late at night, before falling asleep. These wardrobes had proper door handles that latched. You would need to lift the handle straight up to get it open. Alternatively, if you were hiding inside the wardrobe you could open it by squeezing the latch from the inside until it popped open. The first few times this happened, I simply thought that the door must have been

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The Haunted Student Complex

02 June 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I went to college my parents carefully chose an apartment for me. They were worried I would spend more time partying, than studying. The apartment my parents rented for me was old, and I shared it with three other students. It was actually very nice and I was excited to move in. I had no idea that I would come face-to-face with the paranormal. Once I moved in, some strange things started happening. It started with the TV in the living room. We were sitting on the couch, watching TV. The remote was sitting under the table that the TV was on, upside down. The back was off the remote, so we could see that there were no batteries in it. The sound on the TV was low so

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The Evil Drug Den That Became My Home

26 May 2017 | Audible Activity, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I always felt there was something wrong with my first apartment from the moment I stepped through the front door. It wasn’t that it was rundown, or derelict. It was actually a really nice apartment, painted brightly and was actually very conveniently near a shopping mall. I moved into the house in May 1985. At first trivial things would happen. I had a big poster of Eddie Murphy fall of the wall in my bedroom several times. I heard some creaks and had a few unimportant things go missing around the house. One of the strangest incidents took place in the bedroom. I would play music at night after I’d finished school. At least once a week my boombox would eat my tapes. I tried replacing the boombox, I would

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A Haunted Classroom?

11 May 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This happened in 1966 when I was ten. It isn’t very dramatic, but it was quite scary enough for me. I was at a convent boarding school in the United Kingdom. The school was shaped like a Z with the fourth-year classroom at the bottom right at ground level with the third-year classroom between it and the rest of the school. A long corridor ran from the fourth-year classroom and past the third. It had a window at the top, but above my height so I couldn’t actually see into the classroom. At weekends the children could watch television after dinner and before bed. Toward the end of dinner, two girls would be sent to the third-year classroom to put chairs out, as this was where the only television set

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Haunting at 824 Sweetbriar

05 May 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This all started back in the summer of 1965. It was a hot August day. My oldest brother and I were home and were about to make some lunch. We started making lunch and about 20 minutes pass before we heard a knock on the front door. My brother said, “Go see who that is.” So I go and open the door – but no one was there. I closed it and walked back telling him no one was there. So he just said, “OK“, and he continued to make sandwiches while I made the soup. Tomato soup to be exact. Some time went by when again, we heard a knock at the front door. Again, he asked me to go see who it was. So, I go to see

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Am I Haunted?

01 May 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

My story begins when I was eight years old and my mother was cleaning the back half of the house. As she was coming to the front, I heard her tell my brother to shut the door if he was going to use the restroom and then she walked on like nothing happened. She reached the front room and stopped dead in her tracks and said to my brother who was there with me “How did you get out here so fast.” I asked “Who were you talking to mom?” and she said “I was talking to your brother.” I now think that my mother saw my brothers’ doppleganger. When I was twelve, we moved to a new house. The first night there, we had to call the police department

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The Phantom Knocker

27 April 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Since February I have been hearing knocks all around my house. It started one night at around 3am. I was having a tough time falling asleep so I went downstairs to watch TV. I’m sitting on the couch watching infomercials, when I heard a male voice call me from my room. I go to my room and asked my husband what he needed but he was fast asleep. A few weeks later, I heard knocks under the house, but I dismissed it as neighborhood cats under the house. That happens all the time. I went to bed and thought nothing of it until I heard three really loud bangs on my front door at around 3am in the morning. I went to get a bat and see who was at

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The Flying Ghosts of Headcorn and Lashenden – Spectres with Wings.

23 March 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The sound of throbbing engines is never far away from the busy Kent village of Headcorn. Its charming high street is always crowded with cars and motorcycles, as it is still a very commercial place of small shops, offices, supermarkets and banks, set either side of a road that leads from Maidstone to Tenterton  and from there, on to the coast at Rye. This is a very pretty road and a favourite with both sports car enthusiasts and bikers, as it winds its  meandering way across the countryside, I drive it a lot myself, a most enjoyable trip in a fast open car in early spring’ before the roads get tangled with tourists. High above the village, in the warm summer skies, still more engines can be heard, as Headcorn

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Footsteps in the Night – A Creepy Caravan Experience

24 February 2017 | Audible Activity, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

We had all looked forward to the family holiday for quite some time. Two weeks in a large, rented mobile home on a picturesque camping site in Brittany located right on the banks of a river and also by a quality beach. My brothers had prepared their windsurfers, and now all we needed was good weather for a brilliant vacation. The campsite was really nice. It was set in a lush forest that sloped down to a river. The river was filled with crystal clear, greenish water at high tide, and at low tide, the wet, rippled sand and occasional rocks lay revealed in the sun, while just a small trickle of water ran through the middle of where the river had been. It was ideal for windsurfing and also

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The Tasmanian Hotel That Used to be A School…

07 February 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The Rydges Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania was apparently a converted school. One visitor sensed the kids may still be there. Here is his review from The hotel looks nice enough from out side and was a long way out of the city centre. It has all the amenities one expects form a 4 star. The first thing I noticed was there was hardly any cars in the carpark and also not many guests in the hotel at all, the bar and restaurant were all empty even at breakfast time. The hotel has a nice view of the oval, but an eerie vibe. Believe what you like, but at 440am I awoke to what I thought was the sound of Kids playing in the room next door; thumping a ball against

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Ghosts In Room 1170!!!!

18 January 2017 | Audible Activity, Haunted locations, Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Today, we return to reviews at for some more true scary experiences and encounters. It really is quite an unintended source of supernatural material! The Rosen Inn International, Orlando, looks like a normal large hotel. Located conveniently close to Universal Studios, it must do very well. However, apparently, one room has a permanent guest… Do not stay in room 1170. I booked a room at a great price. Our keys did not work the 1st time. Went to front desk to get the keys to work. They did not work. We had security help us to get in. Once we were in all this things started to happen. Knocks on the wall when no one was staying on either side of us. A dark shadow in the corner. Foot

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We Can See You!

16 January 2017 | Audible Activity, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I was just on Reddit and came across this encounter. Now, I don’t know about you but this is the sort of thing I find creepy? The house I grew up in was fairly old, and from the time I was about 8, I would see strange shadows, hear sounds, etc. I would tell my parents about it, but they just dismissed the incidents as my imagination. These incidents continued well into my teens, and several moments stick out in my mind. Most were a bit unsettling, but nothing that really scared me. Until one night, about 3 years ago, I was laying on the couch and my head was toward a doorway, and the door was open. I got the feeling that someone was standing behind me, and I

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