Would You Buy A House Here?
01 February 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Apparently, Barnes Hospital in Cheadle, near Manchester, has been transformed into flats ….. Just one problem. The place is reputed to be haunted! An abandoned hospital that while it was being built uncovered pieces of christian crosses from a possible graveyard. Built in the 1870’s it was meant for the growing numbers of factory workers in and around Manchester. During WW2, it took care of wounded and dying soldiers. The hospital was closed in 1999. It has since topped the list of ‘15 creepiest abandoned places in Britain’ and was the set for Let Sleeping Corpses Lie a 1970s horror movie. Paranormal activity has often been reported at the site. Nurses who felt they were being watched and the ghosts of nurses still tending to patients. Those who have investigated the hospital
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18th floor of the Milwaukee Hilton
20 January 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
We were in downtown MILWAUKEE, getting ready for Milwaukee Mighty Con. Pulling into our parking lot we see the scary looking Hilton hotel. Out of a scene of Ghostbusters. I look up, and make the comment to my friend Luigi, that place is haunted. We check in, and find out our room is on the 19th floor. 19 out of 25 floors. 25th floor not acceptable for guests. I ask a few employees if any hauntings occur, they have no reply. We go eat dinner, and return. On getting a second bed (a roll away for luigi). Turns out we run into the head of security, and when I ask him if the giant building is haunted…he replies with “what do you want to know”. Thus, our long paranormal adventure
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The Elgin Mental Hospital Cemetery
13 January 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I heard about abandoned Elgin Mental hospital cemetery online and I read stories about hearing old hound dogs and chains from the former grounds keeper. I also heard that there are three bodies to every grave and have seen websites been were forced to remove this information. I’ve even seen websites saying that no cemetery exists. Well, if you have seen my independent film “Whom I Fear”, that is the cemetery. One day my then fiancée, (now wife), and I went driving around to find this cemetery. (A year before I filmed the movie there). We actually had to drive around the Elgin mental hospital and ask about 25 people where it was located. It took forever. Hours went by and 24 of those 25 people said there isn’t one.
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Houska Castle and the Gates To Hell?
05 January 2021 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Sometimes the activities I am involved with come together in strange ways. I manage this site and have a strong interest in the paranormal. I also have a podcast called the Magical world of G. Michael Vasey (same name as my blog) where I interview magickal people and/or discuss paranormal subjects. I also love to dowse and track earth energies. So all three activities came together last year when I visited Houska Castle again with my son and daughter. Houska is known worldwide as guarding the Gates of Hell and is associated with all manner of strange paranormal phenomena. A reputation it has built up over the years around a story that appears to have been repeated and embellished with each telling and retelling. It now provides the owners of the
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The Museum Intruder
08 December 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This particular incident happened when I was really young, maybe 4 or 5, however I had a dream last night (June 4th), which was more of a flash back than anything else. My Nan looked after me and my older sister a lot during school holidays as my parents worked full time, and one of our favorite trips out was to the museum in Liverpool city centre. My favorite display was the dinosaurs and I was obsessed with the walking with dinosaurs series. One day, on a trip to the museum, I noticed that the T.Rex wasn’t alone in his display. Standing behind a plastic prehistoric palm tree was a figure. He was about the same height and shape of a fully grown man, but he had green almost scale-like
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Houska Castle and the Gate to Hell
27 November 2020 | Creepy places, G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Haunted locations
In the latest edition of my podcast series – The Magical world of G. Michael Vasey, I talk about creepy Houska Castle and the Gate to hell…. Give it a listen preferably in headphones for the best effects…. Please do subscribe to my channel and podcast……
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It Followed us on Our School Trip!
21 September 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was on a residential trip in year 3 and we only slept there for one night. All the girls were in one big room and all the boys were in one big room. We were at Tatton Hall and it was time to go to sleep, so all the girls settled down and went to bed. There were bunk beds and I was on the top bunk as well as my friend, Taylor, who slept right next to a small window which was a frosted window. In the morning we all woke up and looked out the window. There, looking straight into the room, was a man who wore a top hat and a suit. Because it was a frosted window it looked like the man had no face,
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Leigh Woods
10 September 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
In May 2017 I found myself going out a lot more on my Mountain Bike, I was getting bored of cruising around the streets so I wanted to go for a trail/woodland bike ride. I’ve never been to leigh Woods before then, Personally I don’t think I’ll be going alone again. After some research into a few different areas, Leigh Woods seemed to be my best bet, Living only a couple miles away it was a nice bike ride. On arriving, It looked very peaceful and I was almost in a dream like state by my first look of the place. For a woodland area in England let alone Bristol, It was amazing. On going into the woods I remembered seeing different colours at the start of each trail signifying
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31 August 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
When I was 16, I got into a wreck in my Dad’s truck. I’d had my license for just 1 week when this happened and the truck was my Dad’s work truck. He had his own business. I was in deep trouble. Luckily for me, the guy who came to tow the truck was someone my dad had known from his teenage years. The man’s name was Otto. So my Dad rode with Otto since he wanted the truck towed to our house. When my Dad had cooled off enough to talk to me he told me about Otto and how they had both been street racers (was that a term used in the late 60’s?). Anyway the main street in Salt Lake is State Street and weekend nights teenagers
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Ghost Follower
25 August 2020 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Okay so here is my story. At least the best that I can remember it This is long sorry. Before I start the story, you need to know I have been told I am what they call a medium and that ghost are very drawn to me. If you don’t know, a Medium is some who can interact with the spirit world, at least that is what the internet says. I never really investigated what people called me because I never believed it. I have had several encounters with the paranormal in my life, but this is the one that has always stuck with me the most. When my husband and I first started dating we lived in my old apartment together. At this apartment, I swear to you, there
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Slaughterhouse Canyon
05 August 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
We went on a tour of the western states for our honeymoon, on an impromptu Jeep camping trip. We mostly explored National Parks and historic sites. While we were in the state of Arizona visiting the Grand Canyon for the first time, my wife and I decided to research other attractions in Arizona. I found a list of haunted places in the state, and Slaughterhouse Canyon popped up near the top. The legend goes that a family homesteaded in the canyon many years ago. The father was a prospector and hunter who would leave and be gone for weeks at a time, looking for gold and wild game. One time, however, he failed to return. The children slowly began to starve, and their screams for food began to drive the
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It Followed Me Home From the Cemetery
04 August 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I am from the small town of Lumberton, North Carolina. We have local legend of a ghost that haunts one of the cemeteries here in town. Her name is Clare Townsend. The legend goes that Ms. Townsend was set to wed in 1912; however, she passed on the night before her wedding day. She has been seen walking thru the cemetery at night, wearing her wedding gown. My encounter happened back in 2010. Some friends and I went to the cemetery looking for the ghost. It was an easy trip. Turned right, then left, and the cemetery was there from my apartment. We got out, flashlights in hand and walked thru the cemetery. It took us a while to find her grave, but there it was. A headstone with a
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The Tragedy of Fairytale
03 July 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Pohádka means fairytale in Czech, but it is also the name of a reputedly haunted and cursed location in the Czech Republic. It all began May 1828, when in a nearby village called Strážov, a fire broke out. One house caught fire and a storm blew the hot embers across the roofs of neighboring houses. In the end, 78 houses including the town hall, were destroyed. The villagers wanted to know why why such a horrible event would take place in such an idyllic place and soon they had an answer. Near Pohádka by edge of the forest, was a small hut occupied by a strange old woman. There was talk of her being a witch. This poor old woman was determined to be the culprit and to be the
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Sherman’s Blue Coats
01 July 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I write this experience as a way to possibly relieve long standing stress and fright that I have had to deal with personally since it occurred to me. I would hope that you will be able to respect what happened to me and take it for what its worth. Just know this experience still haunts me to this day, and I have only ever told one other person about this. They believed me, but due to my occupation, urged me to never speak of it in any serious fashion to anyone else. I suppose I am getting a little ahead of myself so I will start from the beginning. For sake of me telling this you can refer to me as “Jack”. I live in a predominantly rural county in
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Watch out! The Black Eyed Kids are about….
22 June 2020 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was just sent this…. Lock those doors good and tight now.
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