Haunted locations

A Creepy Night at Rydges Hotel, Hobart

11 December 2019 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I had never believed in or experienced the paranormal until I spent a night at the Rydges Hotel in Hobart. This was 15 years ago and I still get goose bumps when I think about it. As a seasoned business traveller, I’ve slept in over 1000 hotel/motel rooms in over 20 countries over the last 20 years. Never had a problem getting to sleep, even in a noisy room. I arrived around 5pm, checked in as normal. Only thing I noticed was the hotel was empty and lacking patrons. And the building had a drab exterior that resembled a 1950’s primary school. The interior had the look and feeling of an old hospital. I dined out as this was my first time in Hobart. I returned around 10pm, had a

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Haunted Timberline Lodge from THE SHINING!

11 November 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Sometime in 1981, I was leaving Seoul, Korea, where I was stationed with the 501st Military Intelligence Battalion and coming home for a brief vacation with my parents in Sacramento. After this vacation, I would be leaving for an OPFOR (Opposing Forces) unit in Fort Knox, Kentucky. During this small vacation, I hooked up with an Army buddy of mine named Wayne Johnson and we headed up to Mount Hood, Oregon. We were both fans of Stanley Kubrick/Stephen King’s The Shining. In case you don’t know it yet, the exterior of the Overlook Hotel was filmed at the Timberline Lodge at Mount Hood in Oregon for the Stanley Kubrick’s film adaption of The Shining. The hotel is majestic and it is fit for a King and his royal court. The

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The Creepy Camp Man

07 November 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I have a true story that scares me to this day. It all started on my school camp in Borneo around middle school we were only staying for the week and a company ran our activities, it was mainly construction on a school playground for the native school children, and after a day of hard work we all headed back to the site, where we all stayed in bamboo huts six of us in each room. Me and my friends were all heading to bed and mosquito proofing our beds. I was the last one awake and locked our door so no other students came in to make pranks or whatever they thought was funny. It was a basic bamboo lock and all teachers and camp leaders knew how to

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The Lady in the Road

17 October 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This story comes from my father. It happened when my father was 17. My grandmother wanted to visit my uncle Lupe, so she asked all of her daughters and sons if they were willing too take her. No one wanted to go except for my father. They got on the road heading too my uncle Lupe’s house just outside of the city limits so driving on the road meant nothing but trees left and right. However, my dad noticed a young in her early 20s women just walking along the side of the road. The thing is though that when my dad got closer, it looked like she had no feet. It was like she was floating! mM father brushed it off as his mind playing tricks on him, but

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The Lady in the Church Yard

18 September 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Last year, I visited friends in the UK and we spent the weekend visiting old churches and other mystical places. The weather was beautiful and so at one church, we decided to sit on the grass and have lunch. The church was surrounded by its own little graveyard of course. I finished my sandwich and decided to explore the churchyard a bit. as I entered one corner of the churchyard – an overgrown and abandoned part – I had a vivid impression of a woman dressed in a long Victorian dress. She looked sternly at me and was plainly upset and annoyed waving me away. The atmosphere changed to to one of well – being unwelcome. I returned to my friends and mentioned that I had seen or had an

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The Phantom Truck

03 September 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I worked security at an army depot in eastern Oregon from 2003 to 2009. The base had been a munitions depot meaning they stored, processed, manufactured or shipped munitions all over the country until it came down on the base closure list under President Clinton. The munitions had been moved out and most of those operations had been stopped. The reason the base wasn’t totally shut down was because it also stored chemical weapons that couldn’t be moved and were to be destroyed on site. When I hired on the demilitarization or demil plant was being built. What occurred happened either 2005 or 2006 on a Saturday about 3 pm in the afternoon. The day was a pleasant spring day. One of the duties I had for my patrol was

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Velhartice Cemetery

21 August 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The cemetery at Velhartice in the Czech Republic is supposedly a very, very scary place. Firstly, on the side wall of the small chapel in the cemetery are dark spots that seem to resemble faces. Even if painted or freshly plastered these spots soon reappear again. This is said to be as a result of an original small wooden chapel being burned down by robbers with some locals trapped inside it. There is also a story made famous in a well-known Czech poem about a local girl whose fiancé returns from the war. Being very happy to see him, she at first isn’t suspicious about his request to marry in the middle of the night. Off they go to get married at midnight and the girl becomes increasingly suspicious of

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Ghost bride haunting the D1 motorway near Brno

20 August 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The tale of an unhappy female ghost causing havoc for motorists on the highway is almost universal. There is one in the Czech Republic, but she is not the victim of a recent car crash like so many of the others. She was the bride at a 16th century wedding that ended in a massacre. The place has been called Nine Crosses (Devět křížů) for as long as anyone can remember, and tall wooden crosses still stand by the side of the turnoff where the nine victims were buried. The site is a protected cultural monument. The spot is just off the D1 highway from Prague to Brno, the busiest road in the country. For years, tabloids have been pointing out that the fatal accident rate near exit 168 by the

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Hotel Room Hell

15 August 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

When I was 15 I traveled to Europe with my family. We stayed in Ettal, Germany in a small inn for a few nights. My parents had a double [bed] on the second floor, my sisters had the double bedroom next to theirs, and I was lucky enough to have a single room all to myself at the far end of the hall. When we went to check in to our rooms, as soon as I entered the hallway our rooms were in, I remember almost feeling as though I walked into a ‘wall’ of… bad energy? I just felt so unnerved and uneasy in that hallway, but I passed it off as an overactive imagination. I slept the first night without any issues other than waking up a few

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The Creeper in the Woods

08 August 2019 | Creepy places, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

It was 2003, I was in 8th grade, so about 13-years old. My family was fairly poor and my dad had a hard time keeping a stable job so, we moved around a lot in my childhood. We had just moved from Mississippi to North Carolina and found a dated A-frame house nestled quaintly on the side of a mountain with a creek at the bottom of the hill. The house was surprisingly cheap, probably because it was previously a vacation rental that wasn’t getting much business by the looks of it. The house had an odd vibe to say the least. I had explored the woods by my house several times that summer, even becoming lost at one point, but after a couple of hours of following the creek,

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Haunted Hall of Fame?

23 July 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

As unbelievable as this sounds, I assure you it is 100% true. Back in 2004 we had been renting space for our theater company. The building the space occupied was the site of the former Green Bay Packer Hall of Fame which had been recently moved to a more modern space in the atrium of the upgraded stadium. The space I am speaking of was the Hall of Fame’s first permanent facility and was formally dedicated on April 3,1976, by President Gerald R. Ford. It consisted of a huge open space, and a large office. The bathrooms were located in an area on the other side of the building. In order to reach them we’d have to go through a long dark unused area which could be quite eerie, especially

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Lost In The Hosiery Mill

18 July 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I can remember as a child when my dad worked as a shift manager at a hosiery mill in a rough neighborhood close to Rossville, GA. I remember going by with my mom to see him at work for he would be there working until dusk. Or, I’d go with him to work on the weekends when he’d work half a day and then we’d hit up the flea market down the street together. Anyway, everyone was always talking in hushed tones about the ghostly lady roaming about the hosiery mill, both day and night. Most everyone who had seen her said she was petite, had shoulder length curly hair, wore a civil war era dress and was completely transparent. If approached and questioned as why she was there or

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The Night Shift Security Guard

11 July 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The Native business I work for is also next to a Native cemetery. When I close the buildings and lock up. I hear whispers and knocks. When I first started ,the other security guards mentioned that it’s a common thing. How can people become so cool with stuff like this? I understand the situation and how you don’t show fear. But, I’m making this post now and I’m sitting here at work looking at my cameras seeing lights that are on that were off when I went and checked the whole building for anybody or anything (the building has a security system that was working). And there are two buildings I watch. Out of the 2, the one closest to the cemetery has the most activity.   Originally submitted by

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A Trip to Wales

10 July 2019 | Haunted houses, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

About 25-years ago, I and a few friends went to stay for a week at the small Welsh estate of a work friend. He had inherited a small parcel of land and a 16th Century house on the coast in mid Wales and rented it out to help keep it maintained. As it turned out, the house was very haunted. On arrival, we decided which bedrooms each family would use. We chose the master suite, my parents another room and some friends yet another leaving one bedroom free. The entry hall was quite grand, wood paneled, very gloomy with a staircase that came down from both sides to a central balcony and from there, to the ground floor. Later, we were to discover a Priest hole in the floor of

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