The Faceless Specter That Follows Me

28 November 2017 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters


I’m a bit distressed by something that is going on in my life right now. Over the last few months, I kept seeing this woman. Like a face in the crowd, I would see her in the street just sort of hanging around in the background. I have no idea how long it has been going on as I am sure I only started to notice this recently. I never saw her close up. She is always just at a distance and always just a fleeting glimpse – like out of the corner of my eye. The funny thing is that she makes me feel, well, terrified. I have no idea why she terrifies me but she casts something of a sinister figure clothed in a dark shawl and dark clothes. At first, I thought I was imply imaging this. But now, I am scared witless and I don’t know what to do about it.

Last night, as I was walking home from the pub a bit merry, I saw her walking just ahead of me. It froze me in my tracks and I felt that same sense of foreboding. I noticed that no matter how fast or slow I walked, she seemed to stay the same distance ahead of me. What happened next though really disturbed me. As I reached the door of my home still feeling strangely afraid, I looked up the street and there she was. Slowly, she turned her head and I saw her for the first time. She had no face. Nothing.

I couldn’t sleep last night. I was afraid she would show up at my doorstep or even worse, in my house. Who and what is this faceless woman?

Submitted anonymously.


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