Careless Whisper

10 August 2018 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters

About a month ago, mid June to be exact, I was sitting outside around a fire ring with my wife and her parents. We were cooking food and talk, having a good time and fighting off the occasional mosquito. In between topics, I would look down at my phone to check Facebook. You know how you watch one video, then you’re stuck in a stream of videos that you can’t escape? I was trapped. I was finally released from my slide down the rabbit hole when my wife asked me what I was listening to in my phone. It was an acoustic guitar rendition of George Michael’s Careless Whisper.

This cover was very well done, and it caught my wife’s ear. I handed her the phone so she could see the video. When the song ended she gave me the phone back, and I turned my phone off, so I wouldn’t get trapped in the rabbit hole again.

We reached another pause in our conversation when I signed to everyone to stop talking. Faintly, but clearly I heard something from behind me and off to my right. It was a person whistling. I heard it clear as day. My wife and in-laws were looking at me strangely as I held my hand up, continuing to signal that I needed silence. The whistle wasn’t just a single sound, or a few notes, it was whistling the instrumental intro to Careless Whisper. I was hearing someone mimicking the song that was just playing on my phone moments earlier. The problem is, my phone isn’t loud enough to have been heard from 20 feet away, let alone the 80 feet needed to stand, so as to not been in my line of sight.

In the direction that I heard the whistle, there are a line of bushes that boarder my property. The back porch light of my house was enough to illuminate my whole backyard, up to those bushes. So anyone there would have been on the other side of the bushes, placing them far beyond the audible range of my weak phone speakers. I was alarmed to say the least. Best case scenario was that someone was standing close enough to my backyard to hear my conversation and the music on my phone, when no one should have been that close. Or something weirder was happening. Needless to say, I made sure all entry points to the house were covered, and made sure my 12 Gauge had one in the chamber that night.

Submitted by Joe to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too

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