The Move

03 October 2018 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

While home on mid-tour leave from deployment a few years ago, I decided to rent a house in a safer neighborhood for myself, my daughter and my grandson. We found a cute rambler further out in the suburbs. The day we moved in, we were moving yard toys through the front door straight through the sliding door to the back yard. As we went through the sliding door, we would close it to keep my grandson from running in and out. The first time out the sliding door, it locked, leaving us to climb over the fence to go back around and inside the house. We didn’t have a key for the fence gate lock yet. The next few times we went through the sliding door, the same thing would happen, the sliding door would lock us out. Finally, we just left it open a bit. I checked the latch and it was not spring loaded. As we kept moving boxes into the house, the third bedroom door would close and lock. The third room being my grandson’s room, I had to take the knob off so that it wouldn’t lock him in the room.

I went back to deployment for a few more months with no further incidents. After returning home, I was alone in the house sitting on one corner of the sectional reading. I kept hearing someone snoring loudly at the other end of the sectional. I yelled and told it to stop, and it did. When I went to bed that night, I had just gotten comfortable when I heard the snoring again, this time it was next to me on the bed. I freaked out and went to the couch. My daughter thought it was funny.

The very next weekend we decided to have some friends over for a BBQ. As we were preparing food in the kitchen and laughing, I looked up to see a dark shadow speed from the corner of the dining area down the hall toward the bedrooms. At the same time, a metal candle holder sitting on the ledge flew across the living room crashing against the far wall. There were also several pairs of socks on the ledge that flew off too. We were all stunned into silence.

We asked a psychic medium to come over and help us figure out what was going on. A male spirit had decided to take up residence in our home. We were told that he was frustrated because he couldn’t drink and have fun so he was being difficult and that he just wanted a family. We were told that the spirit had followed my daughter home. The psychic convinced the spirit to move on to the light thereby clearing our house.

That is not the only experience we have had with spirits, but now I know that wherever my daughter goes, spirits follow her.


Submitted by Brenda McDonald to Weird Darkness and My Haunted Life Too


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