Ghosts in the news

Sex With A Ghost??

20 November 2015 | Bizarre

In the news today is a lady who claims she has sex with ghost lovers…. Here is the article…. Ke$ha is not the only one having sex with ghosts. Spectrophilia is a very real phenomena, and many people claim to have sexual relations with phantoms. In fact, many of these people are respectable and quite sane, so it makes it hard to just chalk up their experiences as figments of a warped imagination. Some people who have had or continue to have a sexual relationship with the paranormal are surprisingly open and vocal about it. Sian Jameson (left in cover photo), for example, says shed had an affair with the ghost of an artist who passed away more than 100 years ago. His name was Robert. Sian is a writer,

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A Pub With Otherworld Visitors?

30 October 2015 | Ghosts in the news

An Arizona news site is carrying an interesting story about a local English-style pub and restaurant that might be worth a visit if you enjoy the paranormal. Apparently, workers there have experienced glasses and bottles flying off shelves, voices and other phenomena including one bar maid who had a ghost pinch her bottom! You can read all about it at the news site here.   CBS 5 – KPHO

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Ghostly Fingerprints?

19 October 2015 | Bizarre, Ghosts in the news

The Express & Echo reports a sinister little event in Torquay, Devon, England. A paranormal event witnessed fingerprints inside a glass case housing a mummy……… During a paranormal experience at Torquay Museum, participants were left “freaked” out after finger-and—thumb prints appeared on the inside of a mummy case which had not been opened for years. The event on Friday night was run by the museum and the Real Investigators of the Paranormal who claimed there was ‘quite a lot of activity’ and a few contacts with the dead were made. Carl Smith, from Torquay Museum, said: “The weirdest thing was that we have a mummy, which we believe is Devon’s only human mummy. During the night on the inside of the case we saw what we believe were handprints on

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Talking To Yourself

09 October 2015 | Bizarre, Ghosts in the news

There is a very interesting little article in the Southside Times called Haunts & Jaunts: Paranormal occurrences about how not all paranormal incidents involve ghosts. The article discusses conversations people had had with relatives or even themselves (!) thinking that the person really was there only to find out that they were completely alone. How do you explain that I wonder? One example quoted in the article – One woman had a loud conversation with her brother, with them yelling throughout their house. Her brother’s voice eventually trailed off into an unintelligible mumble. It turned out she was the only one at home! Her parents have since experienced hearing each other’s voices, and that of the brother.

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Trying To Sell Your Haunted House?

07 October 2015 | Ghosts in the news, Haunted

Selling real estate can be difficult enough but what if your property comes with some special extras included? The Taos County association of Realtors recently provided some good advice on this topic as follows; Every house has a history, but what if the house you are trying to sell has a history that is a bit more, er, ghoulish than most? If you or your community believes a house is haunted, it can make selling it a bit more challenging. However, there are several options for someone with a spooky property to sell. Just follow a few simple steps to get the haunted house off your hands. The first thing you will want to establish is if you are required to inform potential buyers of their future paranormal roommates. To

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Do Ghosts Exist?

05 September 2015 | Ghosts in the news

A fascinating look in IndiaToday at whether ghosts exist using 5 stories….. Ghosts, spirits, paranormal – these words have accompanied the existence of men since time unknown. The existence of paranormal elements have been felt by many, supported by many more but no one has been able to find enough evidence to prove it. Some have refuted the idea, some have criticised those who believe in the presence of spirits. Though it has not yet been possible to prove their existence, we bring you five real life documented paranormal experiences that will make you think twice here.

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Paranormal Investigators Capture A Chair Moving By Itself

28 August 2015 | Evidence?, Ghost Hunting, Ghosts in the news

An interesting report in the Daily Express in which there is footage of a chair moving by itself…. what do you think? See the story about the haunted house in Newcastle

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Derby paranormal team Darkness Falls tell us a ghostly story

26 August 2015 | Ghosts in the news

The following article appeared in the Derby Telegraph recently…..   Derby paranormal investigators, Phil Newton and medium Patricia Farrar have agreed to share some of their ghost stories with us. This week, they recall when they visited a house that was experiencing some rather strange activity… “We got a phone call from a lady who’s not so very far away from Darley Park. She was having trouble in her house.” Patricia explains. “Lights were cracking and breaking, things were being moved around. She asked me if I’d come and look around the place. “I went round and blessed it and cleared it. Everything was fine until about a month later and she got back in touch with me again and said everything had cracked off again. “I asked her if

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Ghosts In The Machines

21 August 2015 | Ghosts in the news, Haunted

They are trying to make contact…. radio, TV, mobile phones, cars – you name it! The dead won’t be quiet and they use technology to make their presence felt. Ghosts in the machines – the new true paranormal stories book from G. Michael Vasey…. Includes – Your Dead Relative Calling? Voice communication with the spirit world Ghosts on the radio Ghosts on TV Ghosts in other machines Excerpt “Where are you?” “In a place between Heaven and Earth,” said the voice and then there was a click as the line disconnected. Available for pre-order and out on 31st August, 2015.

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Watch Haunted Puppet Move After Allegedly Choking Its Owner [Video]

13 August 2015 | Bizarre, Evidence?, Ghosts in the news

A haunted puppet that allegedly tried to strangle its owner recently shocked a British paranormal investigator by seemingly moving its control bar all by itself. The puppet’s movement was captured on camera, but it took three long months of filming before the toy got caught using its supposed paranormal power. According to the Daily Mail, the footage above was filmed by a well-known paranormal investigator named Jayne Harris. She specializes in haunted dolls, but she admits that she’s never seen anything like the haunted puppet footage above. It was taken in the middle of the night while the puppet sat inside a sealed cabinet. “I’ve never had anything as exciting as this,” Harris said. “I’ve caught pictures of mists, orbs and shadows but nothing as physical as this video evidence.”

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Paranormal expert claims ghosts are using cell phones to contact friends

12 August 2015 | Bizarre, Ghosts in the news

A paranormal expert in Britain has claimed that ghosts are trying to contact the living through mobile phones, with the number of mystery calls attributed to them rising by 43 percent in the last four years. Phil Hayes, a spectre investigator from Paranormal Research UK, believes a third of all haunting are now through mobile phones. “There is evidence to suggest that ghosts can use phones to communicate, with reports of people receiving phone calls from deceased relatives,” the Sun quoted Hayes as saying. According to him, the calls often feature heavy static and the voice sounds faint and distant, and nine in ten show as “withheld number” or “000000000000” on caller ID. Statistics show two thirds of all paranormal phenomena feature sounds, with just 20 percent being actual sightings

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Paranormal Corner: Study shows most ghosts are male

11 August 2015 | Bizarre, Ghosts in the news

The living have pondered the dead for thousands of years. Is there life after death? Why do our spirits linger on Earth if there is a heaven? Do loved ones greet us at heaven’s gate when we finally get there? But one Icelandic psychologist, Erlendur Haraldsson, conducted research that suggests a large portion of ghost sightings are males who died a violent death. Paradelphia Radio hosts Rick Prewitt and Doug Hogate Jr. — founder and CEO of Jersey Unique Minds Paranormal Society — discussed the issue during Thursday’s live broadcast on and suggested that perhaps the past, when men were the ones involved in dangerous situations, could attribute to the findings. “In history, men were out doing the dangerous jobs and women were home caring for the kids and the house,”

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Paranormal hunters claim to ‘prove ghosts exist’ after snapping one ‘above mass grave’

05 August 2015 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news

GHOST hunters who were exploring an old community hall are claiming a paranormal coup after snapping “the eerie figure of a man” sat in the “haunted” building above a plague pit. By JON AUSTIN Spook chasers Jodie Carman and Chris Hunter claim “the figure’s head and shoulders can clearly be made out in seats a few rows in front of her” and appeared after a series of unexplainable bumps and noises, while they were still, and a woman apparently being possessed. The pair, who are refusing to identify the building in Norwich, said they were so stunned at seeing the “apparition” at the time, they shone a torch, but the chair was empty. They insist that no one else was in the old community venue at the time the photo

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More than HALF of Britons claim to have had contact with GHOSTS

28 July 2015 | Ghosts in the news

MORE than two-thirds of Britons have had a brush with the paranormal – and over a third claim to have seen a GHOST, according to a new survey. By JON AUSTIN The study, carried out to discover how many people believed in “paranormal activity” and would pay to see a clairvoyant, found a whopping 82 per cent of Britons believe in the supernatural. More than two thirds (68 per cent) said they had experienced some sort of supernatural event – and more than half (56 per cent) said they had been given a sign that a deceased loved one is present. Researchers at aimed to find out how many Britons believe in the paranormal and whether they would ever pay money to communicate with the dead or a deceased

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Photo of candle-lit ‘ghost’ terrifies museum staff after spooky paranormal evening

22 July 2015 | Evidence?, Ghosts in the news

BY GLEN JAMES The snap, taken at Torquay Museum in Devon, appears to show a woman in old clothing emerging from the floor SWNSScary? The ghostly figure appeared while nobody else was in shot Staff at a museum say they are terrified after they captured this spooky photograph of a candle-lit ‘GHOST’ creeping between the artefacts. The scary snap appears to shows a woman in old clothing emerging from the floor and casting her eyes down towards a light. It was taken during a ghost hunting evening at Torquay Museum in Devon and staff claim nobody else was in the room when it was shot. The image was captured in the museum’s Old Devon Farmhouse Gallery – a mock-up of a cottage filled with 300-year-old artifacts and furniture. Staff were

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