Ghostly Goings On In Bradford
10 January 2018 | Bizarre, Ghost Hunting, Your True Encounters
A shop in Bradford, England is under investigation after a number of strange and terrifying disturbances. Craft Market in Darley St.is frustrating its owners who come in in the morning to find drawers tipped out, shelves emptied and things moved around. “One night I put a heavy clothes rail full of items in a room and locked the door. The following day it was in a different room. I know for a fact I locked the door.Things happen pretty regularly and we have CCTV footage of strange lights which we have been told are orbs,: said Mrs. Naylor one of the owners according to Telegraph & Argus newspaper. The door alarm goes off on its own and a customer has seen a ghostly dog and woman at the shop. One
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Attempted Contact – Investigators Seek Black Eyed Child of Cannock Chase
27 November 2017 | Black Eyed Kids, Ghost Hunting, Ghosts in the news, Ouija, Your True Encounters
According to a story in the Birmingham Mail , Manchester-based paranormal investigators Dale Makin and Justin Cowell, of the TV series Paranormal Truth, are set to venture into the forest of Cannock Chase with a ouija board in an effort to contact the enigmatic Black-Eyed kid there. Filming will take place next month and the show will air in March apparently. For background to the famous Cannock Chase sightings, here is a report we did earlier…. Cannock Chase is a place many have described as tranquil or beautiful. A part of England where few would ever dream of finding anything out of the ordinary. It is a place of dog walkers, fishing and natural life. It also seems to be a place of unnatural death. There have been several terrifying
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The Ghostly Child Who Haunts My House
02 August 2017 | August 2017, Creepy places, Ghost Hunting, Your Stories
The first incident took place several years ago while I was still a child. I was in my bed, in the middle of the night, facing the right side of the wall. I turned around to where the entrance of my bedroom is and in the corner of the room was a full body apparition of a young girl, she had black curly hair, and was wearing a white dress. She was standing near the door, I was frozen and I was fully awake, but it scared me. I quickly hid under my covers and peeked out again to see that she was gone. She was. Nothing else happened until recently, I have been hearing whispers, footsteps, and banging at night while everyone is asleep. Nobody else has heard anything.
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Fear, Loathing and Terror Inside the Sanitarium
01 November 2016 | Ghost Hunting, Haunted locations
Have you ever been lonely? Ever wondered if you are truly alone? Sometimes the places we visit can be alive with activity—and today’s terrific terror is a place that must have felt lonely, and a place that still feels alive. It’s a sanitarium in Michigan where many lost their lives and, according to some people, it is a place where many patients still reside… beyond the grave. A 45,000 square foot institutional facility made up of a variety of brick buildings, and left in a state of neglect, complete with broken windows, sat in the middle of a well-kept neighborhood. This sanitarium was in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The neighbors hated walking past the building, not because the building was dilapidated—but because they say it gave off an aura. An aura that
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The Spirits Who Won’t Leave Me Alone
26 October 2016 | Bizarre, Creepy places, Evidence?, G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Ghost Hunting, October 2016, Your Stories
A few years ago, I was shaken awake by a figure of an elderly woman leaning over me in my bed. It scared me so much that I rolled across our bed and over my husband and ended up on the floor! I would see her occasionally in the hallway when I would get up during the night to go to the kitchen. She would just pass me and disappear into our hallway closet. I saw her several times standing over my bed too and decided that I had to try and communicate with her. The last time I saw her, I told her she needed to move on. She disappeared into the closet as usual and has not been seen since. After that incident, I became a firm believer
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Spooky Australian Graveyard Attracting Interest
17 December 2015 | Evidence?, Ghost Hunting, Ghosts in the news
News Local for Sydney, Australia has a really great story by Joanne Vella with images regarding a spooky graveyard there and its collection of ghosts…. USING a high spectrum camera, paranormal investigators have captured what they believe is an ‘anomaly’ at St Bartholomew’s Cemetery in Sydney’s west and it’s an image that will undoubtedly have sceptics scoffing and believers transfixed.Fuelling a sceptic’s cynicism, the image was captured on Halloween night when one of the regular tours was held at the Prospect cemetery — known to locals as “St Bart’s”. The anomaly was snapped at the burial place of explorer William Lawson and other early settlers. Many believe the cemetery and church, opened in 1841 and destroyed by fire in 1989, is haunted. Four members of Sydney South West Paranormal Investigators
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Paranormal Investigators Capture A Chair Moving By Itself
28 August 2015 | Evidence?, Ghost Hunting, Ghosts in the news
An interesting report in the Daily Express in which there is footage of a chair moving by itself…. what do you think? See the story about the haunted house in Newcastle
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Ghost hunters arrested after ‘breaking into historic church and destroying a burial monument from 1862’
26 May 2015 | Ghost Hunting, Ghosts in the news
How not to behave when ghost hunting???? Four ghost hunters were arrested after they were caught breaking into a historic church that shaped Minnesotan history. Kyle Huber, 23, of Victoria, and Todd Suurmeyer, 23, Joseph Porter, 25, and Brittani Roberts, 24, all of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, were arrested on suspicion of burglary and criminal damage to property. They were accused of breaking into Ness Church in Litchfield, Minnesota, early Sunday morning and were allegedly looking for ghosts. Porter, Roberts and two others were arrested on suspicion of burglary and criminal damage to property Ness Church is the first Lutheran church in Meeker County and is known for holding the graves of the first five victims of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862. Ness Church board members say that videos are
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Paranormal investigations a fast-growing hobby
24 May 2015 | Ghost Hunting, Ghosts in the news
Saurabh Singh is a commercial pilot who’s just conquered a deep fear. It wasn’t fear of flying but a dread of the dark and of what he might encounter in its depths that had Singh spooked for years. Until a few months ago, he wouldn’t even sleep without his bedroom lights on. But a three-month course in paranormal studies has changed all that. “The course equipped me with knowledge of what ghosts are all about and how to deal with them. Now, I sleep peacefully in the dark, secure in my new-found knowledge,” says Singh. He is not alone in the pursuit of the unknown. An increasing number of urban Indian professionals are signing up for courses and training in paranormal sciences from a host of institutes that have mushroomed
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