Haunted Hollywood: The Creepiest Ghost Stories in Tinseltown
09 February 2018 | August 2017, Your Stories
Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and…Hollywood is freaking terrifying, you guys. On this, the annual All Hallows Eve, as the spirits awaken and the candy is handed out, our television screens aren’t the only things that are going to be haunted. As it turns out, Hollywood itself is basically like one giant Freeform made-for-TV-movie. (Yes, we’re talking about ghost stories). As long as there have been celebrities in La La Land there have been creepy tales floating around the city. Whether it’s a set seemingly occupied by a gang of ghosts, or an A-lister experiencing their own frightening encounter, no one is immune from dark magic this time of year. Discover some of the most famous hauntings in Hollywood here. Have you tried these great #paranormal books from G. Michael
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The Sinister Dark Shadows That Haunt My Life
31 August 2017 | August 2017, Your Stories
I have never been a religious person. Of course, I believe in a power that makes us who we are, that helps us and that is fighting to protect us from ‘the other world.’ I have never been skeptical about the things that others find strange. I have always been interested in finding out what lies beyond our realm of being. I truly believe in ghosts or any supernatural beings. The first time I had a paranormal experience was during my childhood. I can still remember it very clearly. I went with my grandmother to visit her sister. When we arrived at her house I saw a silhouette made of steam that talked to me. I tried to forget this experience because I was too young and maybe my imagination
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The Return of the Living Dead
29 August 2017 | August 2017, Your Stories
This incident took place in the mid 1980’s. My mother died suddenly just a few weeks before this all took place. We were not terribly close as my parents had gotten a divorce during the 70’s. I was living with my boyfriend at his apartment. It was getting dark outside, and I had to go get my boyfriend from work at eight. I planned on cleaning and finishing my housework. I bent down to pick up something I’d dropped and standing back up I saw as clear as day, my mother just sitting in the corner of my hallway outside our bedroom. I only saw her for a split second. I even second guessed if I was seeing things, but it was just too real for me to conclude that
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The Tugging Ghost of Alabama
25 August 2017 | August 2017, Creepy places, Your Stories
This morning I felt my hair being pulled. I normally experience this only in my house. It especially happens in my room, home office, and kitchen, and it always seems to happen while I’m alone. Today I felt two tugs at my hair while I was in my room. I had been trying to sleep and then out of nowhere I felt a tug. I have medium length hair so at one point I thought it was just static or my hair getting caught on something. But then I noticed it happening more often. There was one time when I was alone, listening to music in my room and I felt a tug. Whatever was tugging at my hair pulled my hair so hard that a strand broke off. I
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The Ghostly Child Who Haunts My House
02 August 2017 | August 2017, Creepy places, Ghost Hunting, Your Stories
The first incident took place several years ago while I was still a child. I was in my bed, in the middle of the night, facing the right side of the wall. I turned around to where the entrance of my bedroom is and in the corner of the room was a full body apparition of a young girl, she had black curly hair, and was wearing a white dress. She was standing near the door, I was frozen and I was fully awake, but it scared me. I quickly hid under my covers and peeked out again to see that she was gone. She was. Nothing else happened until recently, I have been hearing whispers, footsteps, and banging at night while everyone is asleep. Nobody else has heard anything.
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