Halloween Haunts #2: The Very Essence Of Evil That Lurks in Alabama
28 October 2016 | Audible Activity, Creepy places, Haunted houses, Haunted locations, October 2016
If you’re ever travelling through Alabama during your vacation time… you may find yourself face-to-face with the very essence of evil. A place called Sloss Furnaces. This dark, and grisly place, from 1882 to 1971, transformed coal and ore from surrounding acres into the hard steel that would pave the way for industy. From skyscrapers in New York to cars being built in Detroit, America came to rely on Sloss Furnaces for providing materials needed to produce thousands of products. But this success came at a dangerously high price… In the early 1900’s, James “Slag” Wormwood, was foreman of the “Graveyard Shift”, the period between sunset and sunrise, where a crew of nearly one hundred and fifty workers toiled to keep the furnace fed. During the summer months, temperatures throughout
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Halloween Haunts #1: The Most Haunted Hospital in America The Beautiful?
27 October 2016 | Creepy places, Haunted houses, Haunted locations, October 2016
With Halloween just around the corner… for your terrifying pleasure, we are highlighting some of the most unknown haunted locations in the United States. Over the next few days, we will be sharing creepy places… some of which may be in your locality. Today, we are going to look at Los Angeles. The city of Hollywood. A city that has its fair share of horrors, but this horrific hospital is one place you wouldn’t want to visit in the middle of the night alone… The Linda Vista Community Hospital, located in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles, originally opened as the Santa Fe Coastlines Hospital. Built in 1904 at a cost of $147,000 and opening in 1905, the hospital was used as the main medical facility in the area
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The Spirits Who Won’t Leave Me Alone
26 October 2016 | Bizarre, Creepy places, Evidence?, G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Ghost Hunting, October 2016, Your Stories
A few years ago, I was shaken awake by a figure of an elderly woman leaning over me in my bed. It scared me so much that I rolled across our bed and over my husband and ended up on the floor! I would see her occasionally in the hallway when I would get up during the night to go to the kitchen. She would just pass me and disappear into our hallway closet. I saw her several times standing over my bed too and decided that I had to try and communicate with her. The last time I saw her, I told her she needed to move on. She disappeared into the closet as usual and has not been seen since. After that incident, I became a firm believer
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A Strange, Grey Demon In Houston, Texas
25 October 2016 | Creepy places, October 2016, Vampires, Your Stories
This took place in the mid 80’s in Houston, Dallas. My wife and I had separated and I was living by myself in a house we had bought together as a vacation place. I lived close to my parents’ home. The bedroom was at the back of the building with a hallway that led to the back door. It was about 1am in the morning. I’d just gotten back from a late shift and I was tired. I laid down on my bed and I was almost asleep when I heard the backdoor knob jiggling. I knew the door was locked, but I was a little unnerved. I closed my eyes for a few seconds thinking that it would go away. But I have a bad habit of having to
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The Demon Who Wouldn’t Let Go
24 October 2016 | Creepy places, October 2016, Your Stories
My friends and I used to dabble with the occult. We would light candles in graveyards to try and summon ghosts, said the Lord’s Prayer backwards at midnight in front of a mirror, prayed to the Devil on Halloween. We just thought it was a bit of fun, we didn’t ever believe in any of it. One night my friends brought a Ouija board around the house. We didn’t expect it to work, and just toyed with it. We were all shocked when it started working. A spirit came to us, but wouldn’t tell us its name. It started ignoring questions from others—and only answering my questions. It told me that it was my “friend” and started to believe that this entity wanted to be good to me. It made
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