The Train Ride by G. Michael Vasey, Read by Alan Philip Ormond
08 November 2019 | G. Michael Vasey's Nightmare Corner, Vampires, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
The story appears in My Haunted Life – The Extreme Edition….. Buy the book available in Kindle, Paperback and Audio book….
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Halloween Case #17 – The Highgate Vampire and The Dueling Magicians
20 October 2017 | Bizarre, Creepy places, Haunted locations, Vampires, Your True Encounters
This October we are going to bring you some of the most interesting #true paranormal cases we can find. You can discover more true, terrifying accounts of the paranormal right here. Back in the early 1970’s, the case of the Highgate Vampire was repeatedly in the news. It was a scary and somewhat grisly story and I recall reading in horror and fascination everything the media printed at that time. In retrospect, the subplot of two men interested in the occult and determined to outdo each other is even more interesting. Highgate cemetery was built in the 1830’s and was the place to be buried in society at the time. Many famous people are interred there including Karl Marx. In line with the style of the time, the graves are
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A Strange, Grey Demon In Houston, Texas
25 October 2016 | Creepy places, October 2016, Vampires, Your Stories
This took place in the mid 80’s in Houston, Dallas. My wife and I had separated and I was living by myself in a house we had bought together as a vacation place. I lived close to my parents’ home. The bedroom was at the back of the building with a hallway that led to the back door. It was about 1am in the morning. I’d just gotten back from a late shift and I was tired. I laid down on my bed and I was almost asleep when I heard the backdoor knob jiggling. I knew the door was locked, but I was a little unnerved. I closed my eyes for a few seconds thinking that it would go away. But I have a bad habit of having to
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A Vampire Terrorized A Czech Village
12 September 2016 | Haunted locations, Vampires
In doing research for an upcoming book on the Czech Republic, I came across a vampire story…. In Ždár nad Sázavou, a Czech vampire once roamed. Alois Ulrich was an unkindly man and the administrator of the local castle estate. He treated his fellow humans with the same contempt that he had for animals. In his early 60’s, he contracted a strange disease and died. No one was particularly sad to see him pass away. He was buried in the lower churchyard. But Alois continued to terrorize his neighbors even in death as he was seen by many villagers both in the cemetery and standing on a local bridge. There was even a murder attributed to the dead Alois. The increasingly concerned and scared inhabitants called on a local landowner to
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