The Skull and The Chess Piece
03 January 2017 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
A friend of mine once told me this story on Halloween many years ago. It chilled me to the bone. Whether it is true or not, I am not sure although he swore on his mother’s grave that it was. In the late 1970’s, the central cemetery in west Hull was a real eyesore. It was overrun with trees, bushes and weeds and it was used as a place for illicit activities. Most people gave it a very wide berth. Most of the graves in the cemetery are Victorian and grandiose monstrosities of a bygone era. Pretty damned creepy in fact. These days, the whole area has been cleaned up, tidied and is actually, worth a visit. However, back then, it was a place to be avoided if at all
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A Hooded Shadow Stalked My Family
02 January 2017 | Haunted houses, Your Stories
I was about 14 and sleeping. In my sleep I watched this thing float up 2 steps on a landing, turn the corner, and float up the stairs. It was probably about 6-feet tall wearing a black robe; the kind you see in the movies worn by old monks or something. It wore the original hoodie. It was a loose, rough, dark cloth tied with a rope at the waist. I was in a big house with 3 bedrooms up top and a big area in the center instead of a hallway. My bed was straight across the room from my parents bed and there was another room space between us. It was built like an old fashioned log cabin so it was kind of all open spaces. I watched
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Remember The Alamo: The Lingering Ghost
27 December 2016 | Haunted locations, Your Stories
During my last visit to the Alamo I saw a young man striding toward me looking like he knew where he was going. I watched him walk across the ruin and I thought he was a reenactor. He was over six feet, bearded and his hair was dark brown, slightly curling, and loose to his collar. He was dressed in very authentic-looking period costume. His rust-colored trousers were tucked into black, high boots that showed stirrup wear. He wore a wide belt of plain dark brown leather with a simple brass buckle. But it was his shirt that impressed me most. It was made of heavy, old-fashioned off-white broadcloth. It had a pointed collar and a placket in front, and the ties at the top of the placket were undone.
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The Christmas Demon
24 December 2016 | Haunted houses, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
I was told this story when I was young by my Aunts, Mother and Grandmother. My grandmother had twenty four kids and the women in my family have always been sensitive to other worldly things My grandmother was in her youth and making Christmas dinner for everyone when as she said that she felt as though she was being watched in her kitchen. My Grandmother was a God fearing women so she said a prayer and went back to what she was doing. That is until she heard a scream coming from upstairs where she kept her canned foods. Thinking someone was hurt she ran and got my uncle J.R and went upstairs to investigate. As they went up the stairs, my Uncle felt like he was being pushed back
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There is Something In Our House
23 December 2016 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
We had moved into our house a few months ago, we got a good deal on a large house and decided to go for it. We spent the first two months without any kind of incident. The first incident however took place in my bedroom with my son, and we both saw something like a white ball floating in the middle of room. This has happened several times now. Then a couple of months ago, things started to change for the worst. My daughter falls asleep with the TV on, but I always set the timer so it would cut itself off. I would get up around 1am and her TV would still be on. It was around this same time in October 2006, that a neighbor of mine had
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The Boy in the Mirror
21 December 2016 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
When I was a kid, we lived in a large house in Arkansas. The house was reportedly one of the oldest in our small town. I would spend a lot of time by myself at home, and would often see the spirit of a little boy. He was younger than me and I saw him almost on a weekly basis. He was as clear as day to me. I would try to talk to him—but he would ignore me. He looked wet and cold. After a year or so, he stopped appearing and I got on with my life. I started to think he was just an imaginary friend—I’d never spoken to him so it was highly likely that he was just a figment of my imagination. However later I
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The Yellow Ghost That Spoke To Us
20 December 2016 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Ever since I met my husband, I would spend a lot of time at his parents’ house and even spent the night there before we were married. That’s when I realized that this house, only a few years old was haunted. There have been many incidents that have taken place there. For example, I would wake up many nights to whispers in my ear and even felt someone pulling at my hair as I lay in bed one night. Sometimes I would feel the bed jerk or even feel like a breeze roll over the bed when the air would be off and no fans were on or even a breeze outside. A couple of years ago, we had to move in to their place to take care of my
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The Reaper Came To Visit
19 December 2016 | Shadow people, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This incident took place several years ago, at our old house in Florida. It was a very stormy night, and I was scared. I went to my parents’ bedroom and asked if I could get in with them at around midnight. My Dad moved over and I got in. I started to sleep a little better, but about three hours later, I awoke suddenly, as I tend to be a sporadic kind of sleeper. When I awoke, the scariest thing was in front of me. An outline of what I can only say looked like the reaper was about six or seven feet away from me. It stood there, glaring, for about a minute. It didn’t talk, it just stared at me, and I hid under my parents covers. I
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He Sees Dead People……
16 December 2016 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Ever since my son was young he has been seeing and talking to something that we could not see. My son is now eight years old and it really seems to be getting worse. We will find him in his room talking to someone and we will ask him who he is talking to and he will start to tell us and then he will just stop talking. We moved into a new house about ten months ago and things in our house started happening with our son’s toys. Toys I know I turned off will go off by themselves and it will really freak out my son. Sometimes he will tell us they are just trying to scare me and when we ask him who he does not want
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The Blue Orb From The War of Independence
15 December 2016 | Ghost hunting, Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Last year, I went with parents to King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. I had never been there before, and I was excited to go. That area is known for having a bloody history, with a lot of battles from the war of Independence. For something to do we all decided to do a ghost tour. The tour guide began his story-telling. We walked on a little bit, and then we came upon an eerie looking graveyard that was next to a church. We were walking past the fence, and it was then that I noticed a blue circle hovering in front of one of the church windows. I stopped to take a look, thinking that it was a light coming from inside of the church. I was confused, because I instantly
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Grandpa James and the Haunted Vase
14 December 2016 | Haunted items, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Today’s encounter is one that I really like….. Imagine being left such a gift? I was fifteen years old when this incident took place. A couple of years before my grandfather had passed away. He had lived with us for as long as I can remember, and took care of our family while my mom worked full time. He had a very strong presence, was psychic and had always believed in ghosts. When he passed over to the other side, my mom moved us to live with my grandma and uncle until she could find steady work. That’s when we noticed some strange occurrences taking place. It was just small things to begin with like ornaments that were slightly re-arranged when we weren’t looking, lights going on and off by
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Ouija Board Hell After Trying to Contact Granddad
12 December 2016 | ouiji boards, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
My Grandfather passed away when I was twelve and I had to move into his old room – the one where he had passed. A few months later, I had a friend sleep over and we thought it might be fun to play with a witch board. So we lit some candles and decided to see if we could contact my Grandfather. Nothing happened at first and we weren’t really taking it too seriously. We stopped touching the board and we blew out all of the candles only to have them all re-light by themselves. The glass continued to move around violently across the board on its own… my friend lost it and asked to go home and she did. Later, I resumed playing with the board myself. My TV
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A Possession in Virginia
09 December 2016 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This story took place twenty-six years ago. My dad told me about this incident and I think it’s probably one of the scariest things I’ve ever heard. My father does not have much of a sense of humor, so I’m pretty sure he didn’t fabricate any part of it. When my mom was pregnant with me we lived in a rural part of Virginia. My mom arrived home after giving birth to me but her health began to worsen with time and it made my dad worried. He consulted a lot of doctors who deemed it was normal because my mom was anemic. They prescribed a lot of medicines but nothing seemed to work. One early morning dad got up to go to the bathroom. When he was coming back
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The Black Eyed Boy Wal Mart Experience
08 December 2016 | Black Eyed Kids, Your Stories
They say you can get anything at Wal-Mart…… Note this story took place in the 1970’s – long before the current wave of stories got going. I was around twelve when this incident took place. I didn’t know anything about Black Eyed kids until a few years ago when I started reading reports on the internet about these strange incidents. My story is a little different to those other accounts. I was sitting in my Moms car waiting for my mom to return. She was inside Walmart and I had elected to wait in the car with my book. A young boy had walked past the car a few times—and I hadn’t really taken that much notice of him. The fourth or fifth time the boy went past I think
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The Ghostly Girl Who wanted To Play
07 December 2016 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
This story took place in London, Ontario about twenty years ago. I was staying with my parents at a close family friends’ house. Our vacation was going well until one night I was woken up by something tapping on my shoulder. Fast taps in rhythm. I tend to be a deep sleeper, but these taps woke me straight up. I turned over and switched on the light. Nothing was there. I turned the light off and lay on my back. About a minute later the taps started again. But faster than before. I turned the light on again and could see nothing. I was getting scared by this point and didn’t want to turn the light off. Eventually I settled down and turned it off and the tapping started again.
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